Casă & casă pentru o singură familie de vânzare în Aldeia do Mato
174.208 RON
Casă & Casă pentru o singură familie (De vânzare)
/ 100136216
Aldeia Do Mato e Souto
Proprietate rezidențială
Tipul listării:
De vânzare
Tipul proprietății:
Casă & Casă pentru o singură familie
Dimensiuni proprietate:
46 m²
Total land area: 695,0000 m²
Building footprint: 47.8300 m²
Gross construction area: 47.8300 m²The location of the house makes it possible:
- In the existing house, rebuild the house or make two floors, or make storage/garage space.
- On the rest of the land (total area of the land is 695m2) you can build a house or swimming pool if you submit a project to the Câmara.
- The current PDM of the Abrantes City Council allows you to build 0.3 and the PDM is currently being revised and is in the study/approval phase to move to 0.5 - this change to the PDM is expected to be defined in January 2025. House with water meter belonging to the village cooperative.
In Cabeça Gorda there is a café and restaurant and a bus stop.
There is a bus to Abrantes every morning.
Aldeia do Mato river beach is a 5-minute drive away.HOW TO GET THERE:
On Google Maps put Rua do Moinho, Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes
On Waze put Travessa do Moinho, 49, Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes
From Lisbon to the House:
1. A1 highway;
2. Exit on the A23 Abrantes;
3. Exit for Martinchel - At Martinchel, at the crossroads, turn right towards Carreira do Mato.
4. In the village of Carreira do Mato, keep following the main road (you'll pass through the middle of the village) until you come out and 1km ahead enter the village of Cabeça Gorda.
5. In Cabeça Gorda, go straight onto Rua da Albufeira; go straight ahead, onto Rua da Albufeira number 291; when you're by the house with the number 291, turn to your right and go down the whole street;
6. At the end of the descent, there is a crossroads with a fountain; to the left of the fountain, enter Rua do Moinho.
7. You'll see a stone house like in the photos. Go around the street and you'll be in front of the door.
(The entrance door is on the street on the other side, called Rua das Flores. Go around the corner to the right and you'll be on Rua das Flores.)This house is being sold with 2 other plots of land, one of which adjoins the river.
A plot of 880m2 in Outeirinho and another of 800m2 in Corrilheiras (photos in the ad).
Both are rustic plots of land with olive trees and for cultivation.We're happy to answer any questions you may have: we'll help you with contacts for building staff and how to deal with water and electricity.Century21 Colombo is duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal, Registration 347, as a Credit Intermediary, and our Credit Department will be happy to help you manage your financing process.This is an exclusive property, available to share 50/50 with all professionals in the field.
The information provided does not dispense with confirmation and cannot be considered binding.Translated with (free version) Vezi mai mult Vezi mai puțin Maison datant d'avant 1951, à reconstruire entièrement, d'une superficie de 47m2 et d'une superficie totale de 695m2, située à Rua das Flores, Cabeça Gorda, paroisse d'Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes.Caderneta Predial Urbana zones :
Superficie totale du terrain : 695,0000 m²
Surface des bâtiments : 47.8300 m²
Surface brute de construction : 47.8300 m²L'emplacement de la maison le permet :
- Dans la maison existante, reconstruire la maison ou faire deux étages, ou faire un espace de stockage/garage.
- Sur le reste du terrain (la superficie totale du terrain est de 695m2) vous pouvez construire une maison ou une piscine si vous soumettez un projet à la Câmara.
- Le PDM actuel de la mairie d'Abrantes permet de construire 0,3 et le PDM est actuellement en cours de révision et en phase d'étude/approbation pour passer à 0,5 - cette modification du PDM devrait être définie en janvier 2025. Maison avec compteur d'eau appartenant à la coopérative du village.
À Cabeça Gorda, il y a un café et un restaurant, ainsi qu'un arrêt de bus.
Il y a un bus pour Abrantes tous les matins.
La plage de la rivière Aldeia do Mato se trouve à 5 minutes en voiture.COMMENT S'Y RENDRE :
Sur Google Maps, mettre Rua do Moinho, Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes
Sur Waze, mettre Travessa do Moinho, 49, Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes
De Lisbonne à la Maison :
1. Autoroute A1 ;
2. Sortir sur l'A23 Abrantes ;
3. Sortie Martinchel - À Martinchel, au carrefour, tourner à droite vers Carreira do Mato.
4. Dans le village de Carreira do Mato, continuer à suivre la route principale (vous passerez au milieu du village) jusqu'à ce que vous sortiez et que vous entriez, 1 km plus loin, dans le village de Cabeça Gorda.
5. À Cabeça Gorda, continuez tout droit sur la Rua da Albufeira ; continuez tout droit sur la Rua da Albufeira numéro 291 ; lorsque vous êtes près de la maison portant le numéro 291, tournez à droite et descendez toute la rue ;
6. Au bout de la descente, il y a un carrefour avec une fontaine ; à gauche de la fontaine, entrer dans la Rua do Moinho.
7. Vous verrez une maison en pierre comme sur les photos. Faites le tour de la rue et vous serez devant la porte.
(La porte d'entrée se trouve dans la rue de l'autre côté, appelée Rua das Flores. Tournez à droite au coin de la rue et vous serez sur la Rua das Flores).Cette maison est vendue avec deux autres terrains, dont l'un jouxte la rivière.
Un terrain de 880m2 à Outeirinho et un autre de 800m2 à Corrilheiras (photos dans l'annonce).
Les deux sont des terrains rustiques avec des oliviers et à cultiver.Nous sommes à votre disposition pour répondre à toutes vos questions : nous vous aiderons à trouver les contacts du personnel de construction et à régler les problèmes d'eau et d'électricité.Century21 Colombo est dûment autorisé par la Banque du Portugal, enregistrement 347, en tant qu'intermédiaire de crédit, et notre département de crédit sera heureux de vous aider à gérer votre processus de financement.Il s'agit d'une propriété exclusive, à partager à 50/50 avec tous les professionnels du secteur.
Les informations fournies ne dispensent pas d'une confirmation et ne peuvent être considérées comme contraignantes. Casa anterior a 1951, para reconstrução total com área de implantação de 47m2 e área total de terreno de 695m2, situada na Rua das Flores, Cabeça Gorda, freguesia de Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes. (foto da casa recuperada é meramente ilustrativa e pretende mostrar como poderá ficar o imovel em venda depois da obra de requalificação)
Para lá ir: No Waze coloque Travessa do Moinho, 49, Aldeia do Mato, AbrantesCaracterísticas adicionais:
- A 1:30h de Lisboa, via A23 e A1
- A 15minutos da Praia Fluvial de Aldeia do MatoÁreas de Caderneta Predial Urbana:
Área total do terreno: 695,0000 m²
Área de implantação do edifício: 47,8300 m²
Área bruta de construção: 47,8300 m²A localização da casa permite fazer:
- Na casa que existe, recosntruir a casa ou fazer dois pisos, ou fazer arrumos/garagem
- No restante terreno (ár. total do terreno são 695m2) pode construir casa ou piscina mediante projecto apresentada na Câmara.
- O PDM actual da Câmara de Abrantes permite construir 0.3 estando neste momento o PDM a ser revisto e em fase de estudo/aprovação para passar para 0.5 - esta alteração ao PDM prevê-se seja definida em janeiro 2025. Casa com contador de água da cooperativa da aldeia.
Na localidade de Cabeça Gorda existe café e restaurante e paragem de autocarros.
Todos os dias de manhã há autocarro para Abrantes.
Praia Fluvial de Aldeia do Mato a 5 minutos de carro.COMO CHEGAR:
No Google Maps coloque Rua do Moinho, Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes
No Waze coloque Travessa do Moinho, 49, Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes
De Lisboa para a Casa:
1. Auto estrada A1;
2. Saída na A23 Abrantes;
3. Saída para Martinchel - Em Martinchel, no cruzamento, siga para a Direita, direcção Carreira do Mato
4. Na aldeia de Carreira do Mato, siga sempre pela estrada principal, (vai passar pelo meio da aldeia), até sair e 1km à frente entra na povoação de Cabeça Gorda.
5. Na Cabeça Gorda, entra directo na Rua da Albufeira; Siga em frente, na Rua da Albufeira número 291; quando estiver ao pé da casa que tem o nº291, vire para a sua direita e desça a rua toda até lá baixo;
6. No fim da descida, encontra um cruzamento, que tem uma fonte; Á Esquerda da fonte, entra na Rua do Moinho.
7. Vai ver uma casa em pedra como nas fotos. Contorne a rua e estará na frente da Porta.
(A porta de entrada é na rua do outro lado, chamada Rua das Flores. Contorne a esquina para a direita e estará na Rua das Flores)Esta casa é vendida com mais 2 terrenos rústicos, um deles confinantes ao Rio.
Um terreno com 880m2 sito no lugar Outeirinho e outro com 800m2 no lugar Corrilheiras. (fotos no anuncio)
Ambos terrenos rústicos antigamente com oliveiras e para cultivo.Qualquer esclarecimento, estamos ao dispor: ajudamos com contactos de pessoal de obra e como tratar da agua e luz.A Century21 Colombo está devidamente autorizada pelo Banco de Portugal , Registo 347, como Intermediário de Crédito, e o nosso Departamento de Crédito terá toda a disponibilidade para o ajudar na gestão do seu processo de financiamento.Imóvel angariado em regime de exclusividade, disponível para partilha 50/50 com todos os profissionais do ramo.
A informação disponibilizada não dispensa a sua confirmação e não pode ser considerada vinculativa. House dating from before 1951, for total reconstruction, with a floor area of 47m2 and a total plot area of 695m2, located in Rua das Flores, Cabeça Gorda, parish of Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes.Caderneta Predial Urbana areas:
Total land area: 695,0000 m²
Building footprint: 47.8300 m²
Gross construction area: 47.8300 m²The location of the house makes it possible:
- In the existing house, rebuild the house or make two floors, or make storage/garage space.
- On the rest of the land (total area of the land is 695m2) you can build a house or swimming pool if you submit a project to the Câmara.
- The current PDM of the Abrantes City Council allows you to build 0.3 and the PDM is currently being revised and is in the study/approval phase to move to 0.5 - this change to the PDM is expected to be defined in January 2025. House with water meter belonging to the village cooperative.
In Cabeça Gorda there is a café and restaurant and a bus stop.
There is a bus to Abrantes every morning.
Aldeia do Mato river beach is a 5-minute drive away.HOW TO GET THERE:
On Google Maps put Rua do Moinho, Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes
On Waze put Travessa do Moinho, 49, Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes
From Lisbon to the House:
1. A1 highway;
2. Exit on the A23 Abrantes;
3. Exit for Martinchel - At Martinchel, at the crossroads, turn right towards Carreira do Mato.
4. In the village of Carreira do Mato, keep following the main road (you'll pass through the middle of the village) until you come out and 1km ahead enter the village of Cabeça Gorda.
5. In Cabeça Gorda, go straight onto Rua da Albufeira; go straight ahead, onto Rua da Albufeira number 291; when you're by the house with the number 291, turn to your right and go down the whole street;
6. At the end of the descent, there is a crossroads with a fountain; to the left of the fountain, enter Rua do Moinho.
7. You'll see a stone house like in the photos. Go around the street and you'll be in front of the door.
(The entrance door is on the street on the other side, called Rua das Flores. Go around the corner to the right and you'll be on Rua das Flores.)This house is being sold with 2 other plots of land, one of which adjoins the river.
A plot of 880m2 in Outeirinho and another of 800m2 in Corrilheiras (photos in the ad).
Both are rustic plots of land with olive trees and for cultivation.We're happy to answer any questions you may have: we'll help you with contacts for building staff and how to deal with water and electricity.Century21 Colombo is duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal, Registration 347, as a Credit Intermediary, and our Credit Department will be happy to help you manage your financing process.This is an exclusive property, available to share 50/50 with all professionals in the field.
The information provided does not dispense with confirmation and cannot be considered binding.Translated with (free version) Huis daterend van vóór 1951, voor totale wederopbouw, met een vloeroppervlak van 47m2 en een totale perceeloppervlakte van 695m2, gelegen in Rua das Flores, Cabeça Gorda, parochie van Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes.Caderneta Predial Urbana gebieden:
Totale grondoppervlakte: 695,0000 m²
Oppervlakte gebouw: 47.8300 m²
Bruto bouwoppervlakte: 47.8300 m²De ligging van de woning maakt het mogelijk:
- In de bestaande woning, de woning herbouwen of twee verdiepingen maken, of berging/garageruimte maken.
- Op de rest van het land (totale oppervlakte van het land is 695m2) kunt u een huis of zwembad bouwen als u een project indient bij de Câmara.
- De huidige PDM van de gemeenteraad van Abrantes stelt u in staat om 0.3 te bouwen en de PDM wordt momenteel herzien en bevindt zich in de studie-/goedkeuringsfase om naar 0.5 te gaan - deze wijziging van de PDM zal naar verwachting in januari 2025 worden gedefinieerd. Huis met watermeter van de dorpscoöperatie.
In Cabeça Gorda is er een café en restaurant en een bushalte.
Er is elke ochtend een bus naar Abrantes.
Het strand aan de rivier de Aldeia do Mato ligt op 5 minuten rijden.HOE KOM JE ER:
Zet op Google Maps Rua do Moinho, Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes
Op Waze zet Travessa do Moinho, 49, Aldeia do Mato, Abrantes
Van Lissabon naar het huis:
1. Snelweg A1;
2. Neem de afslag op de A23 Abrantes;
3. Neem de afslag Martinchel - Bij Martinchel, op het kruispunt, slaat u rechtsaf richting Carreira do Mato.
4. In het dorp Carreira do Mato blijf je de hoofdweg volgen (je komt door het midden van het dorp) tot je uitkomt en 1 km verderop het dorp Cabeça Gorda binnenrijdt.
5. In Cabeça Gorda gaat u rechtdoor de Rua da Albufeira op; ga rechtdoor, de Rua da Albufeira op nummer 291; Als je bij het huis met het nummer 291 bent, sla je rechtsaf en loop je de hele straat in;
6. Aan het einde van de afdaling is er een kruispunt met een fontein; links van de fontein gaat u de Rua do Moinho in.
7. Je ziet een stenen huis zoals op de foto's. Ga de straat om en je staat voor de deur.
(De toegangsdeur is aan de straat aan de andere kant, genaamd Rua das Flores. Ga de hoek om naar rechts en je komt op de Rua das Flores.)Dit huis wordt verkocht met 2 andere percelen, waarvan er één grenst aan de rivier.
Een perceel van 880m2 in Outeirinho en een ander van 800m2 in Corrilheiras (foto's in de advertentie).
Beide zijn rustieke percelen met olijfbomen en voor de teelt.We beantwoorden graag al uw vragen: we helpen u met contacten voor het personeel van het gebouw en hoe om te gaan met water en elektriciteit.Century21 Colombo is naar behoren geautoriseerd door de Bank van Portugal, registratie 347, als kredietbemiddelaar, en onze kredietafdeling helpt u graag bij het beheren van uw financieringsproces.Dit is een exclusieve woning, beschikbaar om 50/50 te delen met alle professionals in het veld.
De verstrekte informatie doet geen afbreuk aan de bevestiging en kan niet als bindend worden beschouwd.Vertaald met (gratis versie)