
Criterii de căutare avansată

Tipul proprietății
Subtip proprietate
Subtip proprietate
Vârsta proprietarului
Dimensiuni proprietate
Dimensiuni teren
Anul construcției
Anul înființării
Sistem de încălzire
Combustibili de încălzire
Consum de energie
Emisii de gaz cu efecte de seră
Preț / m²
Chirie / m² / An
Cifră de afaceri
Venit net
Preț de închiriere

Casă & casă pentru o singură familie de vânzare în Marmelete

720.185 RON

Casă & Casă pentru o singură familie (De vânzare)

Referință: EDEN-T101369510 / 101369510
Land with 3 hectares and a registered ruin next to a magnificent stream, in Marmelete. An authentic paradise and about 20 minutes from Aljezur.

The land is in the Sapato, between Aljezur and Marmelete, with access by road and 2.5km by dirt road (about 5 minutes).

Quiet area with a lot of privacy, the entire land has already been worked by the current owners, who have cleaned and created several terraced platforms, with incredible views of the valley and forest. At the end of the valley, next to the stream, there is the ruin and a fresh water mine.

Still in this low area of the land, there are several fruit trees and a vegetable garden area, with very fertile soil for agriculture, with easy access to water.

The existing ruin has 73m2 of construction area, certified by the Monchique City Council, and it is possible to expand it for housing or rural tourism.

The land is covered by the National Ecological Reserve, Natura 2000 Network and Monchique SPA. In terms of fire danger, the land is covered by the Very Low, Low and Medium zones.

On the slope there are strawberry trees and various trees.

Continuing the dirt track, from the Via Algarviana, you will find the village of Malhão and Lagos is about 30 km away.

Come and visit this magnificent property and make us an offer. We are open to offers!
Energy Rating: Exempt

Land with 3 hectares and a registered ruin next to a magnificent river, in Marmelete. An authentic paradise and about 20 minutes from Aljezur.

The land is in Sapato area, between Aljezur and Marmelete, with access by national road and 2.5km by dirt track (about 5 minutes).

Quiet area with lots of privacy, the entire land has already been worked on by the current owners, who cleaned and created several terraced platforms, with incredible views of the valley and forest. At the end of the valley, next to the river, there is the ruin and a fresh water spring.

Still in this low area of the land, there are several fruit trees and an area of vegetable gardens, with very fertile soil for agriculture, with easy access to water.

The existing ruin has a building area of 73sqm, certified by the Monchique City Council, and could be extended for housing or rural tourism.

The land is covered by the National Ecological Reserve, Natura 2000 Network and SPA Monchique. In terms of fire danger, the land is covered by the Very Low, Low and Medium zones.

Along the slope are Medronheiros and various trees.

Continuing the dirt road, of da Via Algarviana Trail, you will find Malhão and Lagos is about 30 km away.

Come visit this magnificent property and make us an offer!
Energy Rating: Exempt
Vezi mai mult Vezi mai puțin Terreno com 3 hectares e uma ruina registada junto a uma magnifica ribeira, em Marmelete. Um autêntico paraíso e cerca de 20 minutos de Aljezur.

O terreno fica na zona do Sapato, entre Aljezur a Marmelete, com acesso por estrada e 2,5km por caminho de terra batida ( cerca de 5 minutos).

Zona tranquila e com muita privacidade, todo o terreno foi já trabalhado pelos atuais proprietários , que limparam e criaram diversas plataformas em socalcos, com vistas incríveis para o vale e floresta. No final do vale, junto à ribeira, encontra-se a ruina e uma mina de água fresca.

Ainda nesta zona baixa do terreno, existem diversas arvores de fruto e uma zona de hortas, com solo muito fértil para agricultura, com fácil acesso à água.

A ruina existente tem 73m2 de área de construção, certificada pela Câmara de Monchique, sendo possível a sua ampliação para habitação ou turismo rural.

O terreno está abrangido pela Reserva Ecológica Nacional, Rede Natura 2000 e ZPE Monchique. Ao nível de perigosidade de incêndios, o terreno está abrangido pelas zonas Muito Baixa, Baixa e Média.

Pela encosta encontram-se Medronheiros e arvores diversas.

Continuando o caminho de terra batida, da Via Algarviana, irá encontrar a povoação do Malhão e Lagos fica a cerca de 30 Km.

Venha visitar esta magnifica propriedade e faça-nos uma proposta. Estamos abertos a ofertas!
Categoria Energética: Isento

Land with 3 hectares and a registered ruin next to a magnificent river, in Marmelete. An authentic paradise and about 20 minutes from Aljezur.

The land is in Sapato area, between Aljezur and Marmelete, with access by national road and 2.5km by dirt track (about 5 minutes).

Quiet area with lots of privacy, the entire land has already been worked on by the current owners, who cleaned and created several terraced platforms, with incredible views of the valley and forest. At the end of the valley, next to the river, there is the ruin and a fresh water spring.

Still in this low area of the land, there are several fruit trees and an area of vegetable gardens, with very fertile soil for agriculture, with easy access to water.

The existing ruin has a building area of 73sqm, certified by the Monchique City Council, and could be extended for housing or rural tourism.

The land is covered by the National Ecological Reserve, Natura 2000 Network and ZPE Monchique. In terms of fire danger, the land is covered by the Very Low, Low and Medium zones.

Along the slope are Medronheiros and various trees.

Continuing the dirt road, of da Via Algarviana Trail, you will find Malhão and Lagos is about 30 km away.

Come visit this magnificent property and make us an offer!
Energy Rating: Exempt
Land with 3 hectares and a registered ruin next to a magnificent stream, in Marmelete. An authentic paradise and about 20 minutes from Aljezur.

The land is in the Sapato, between Aljezur and Marmelete, with access by road and 2.5km by dirt road (about 5 minutes).

Quiet area with a lot of privacy, the entire land has already been worked by the current owners, who have cleaned and created several terraced platforms, with incredible views of the valley and forest. At the end of the valley, next to the stream, there is the ruin and a fresh water mine.

Still in this low area of the land, there are several fruit trees and a vegetable garden area, with very fertile soil for agriculture, with easy access to water.

The existing ruin has 73m2 of construction area, certified by the Monchique City Council, and it is possible to expand it for housing or rural tourism.

The land is covered by the National Ecological Reserve, Natura 2000 Network and Monchique SPA. In terms of fire danger, the land is covered by the Very Low, Low and Medium zones.

On the slope there are strawberry trees and various trees.

Continuing the dirt track, from the Via Algarviana, you will find the village of Malhão and Lagos is about 30 km away.

Come and visit this magnificent property and make us an offer. We are open to offers!
Energy Rating: Exempt

Land with 3 hectares and a registered ruin next to a magnificent river, in Marmelete. An authentic paradise and about 20 minutes from Aljezur.

The land is in Sapato area, between Aljezur and Marmelete, with access by national road and 2.5km by dirt track (about 5 minutes).

Quiet area with lots of privacy, the entire land has already been worked on by the current owners, who cleaned and created several terraced platforms, with incredible views of the valley and forest. At the end of the valley, next to the river, there is the ruin and a fresh water spring.

Still in this low area of the land, there are several fruit trees and an area of vegetable gardens, with very fertile soil for agriculture, with easy access to water.

The existing ruin has a building area of 73sqm, certified by the Monchique City Council, and could be extended for housing or rural tourism.

The land is covered by the National Ecological Reserve, Natura 2000 Network and SPA Monchique. In terms of fire danger, the land is covered by the Very Low, Low and Medium zones.

Along the slope are Medronheiros and various trees.

Continuing the dirt road, of da Via Algarviana Trail, you will find Malhão and Lagos is about 30 km away.

Come visit this magnificent property and make us an offer!
Energy Rating: Exempt
Land met 3 hectare en een geregistreerde ruïne naast een prachtige beek, in Marmelete. Een authentiek paradijs en op ongeveer 20 minuten van Aljezur.

Het land ligt in de Sapato, tussen Aljezur en Marmelete, met toegang via de weg en 2,5 km via een onverharde weg (ongeveer 5 minuten).

Rustige omgeving met veel privacy, het hele land is al bewerkt door de huidige eigenaren, die hebben schoongemaakt en verschillende terrasvormige platforms hebben gecreëerd, met een fantastisch uitzicht op de vallei en het bos. Aan het einde van de vallei, naast de beek, is er de ruïne en een zoetwatermijn.

Nog steeds in dit lage deel van het land zijn er verschillende fruitbomen en een moestuin, met zeer vruchtbare grond voor landbouw, met gemakkelijke toegang tot water.

De bestaande ruïne heeft 73m2 bouwoppervlakte, gecertificeerd door de gemeenteraad van Monchique, en het is mogelijk om deze uit te breiden voor huisvesting of plattelandstoerisme.

Het land valt onder het Nationaal Ecologisch Reservaat, het Natura 2000-netwerk en de Monchique SPA. Op het gebied van brandgevaar wordt het land gedekt door de zones Zeer Laag, Laag en Gemiddeld.

Op de helling staan aardbeibomen en diverse bomen.

Als u de onverharde weg voortzet, vanaf de Via Algarviana, vindt u het dorp Malhão en Lagos ligt op ongeveer 30 km afstand.

Kom en bezichtig dit prachtige pand en doe ons een aanbod. Wij staan open voor aanbiedingen!
Energielabel: Vrijgesteld

Land met 3 hectare en een geregistreerde ruïne naast een prachtige rivier, in Marmelete. Een authentiek paradijs en op ongeveer 20 minuten van Aljezur.

Het land ligt in het Sapato-gebied, tussen Aljezur en Marmelete, met toegang via de nationale weg en 2,5 km via een onverharde weg (ongeveer 5 minuten).

Rustige omgeving met veel privacy, het hele land is al bewerkt door de huidige eigenaren, die hebben schoongemaakt en verschillende terrasvormige platforms hebben gecreëerd, met een fantastisch uitzicht op de vallei en het bos. Aan het einde van de vallei, naast de rivier, is er de ruïne en een zoetwaterbron.

Nog steeds in dit lage deel van het land zijn er verschillende fruitbomen en een gebied met moestuinen, met zeer vruchtbare grond voor landbouw, met gemakkelijke toegang tot water.

De bestaande ruïne heeft een bouwoppervlakte van 73m², gecertificeerd door de gemeenteraad van Monchique, en kan worden uitgebreid voor woningbouw of plattelandstoerisme.

Het land valt onder het Nationaal Ecologisch Reservaat, het Natura 2000-netwerk en de SPA Monchique. Op het gebied van brandgevaar wordt het land gedekt door de zones Zeer Laag, Laag en Gemiddeld.

Langs de helling staan Medronheiros en diverse bomen.

Als u de onverharde weg van da Via Algarviana Trail voortzet, vindt u Malhão en Lagos ligt op ongeveer 30 km afstand.

Kom dit prachtige pand bezoeken en doe ons een bod!
Energielabel: Vrijgesteld
Pozemek o rozloze 3 hektary a registrovanou zříceninu vedle nádherného potoka, v Marmelete. Autentický ráj a asi 20 minut od Aljezuru.

Pozemek se nachází v Sapatu, mezi Aljezur a Marmelete, s přístupem po silnici a 2,5 km po polní cestě (asi 5 minut).

Klidná oblast se spoustou soukromí, celý pozemek je již obděláván současnými majiteli, kteří vyčistili a vytvořili několik terasovitých plošin, s neuvěřitelnými výhledy do údolí a lesa. Na konci údolí, vedle potoka, se nachází zřícenina a sladkovodní důl.

V této nízké oblasti země se stále nachází několik ovocných stromů a zeleninová zahrada s velmi úrodnou půdou pro zemědělství, se snadným přístupem k vodě.

Stávající zřícenina má 73 m2 stavební plochy, certifikované městskou radou Monchique, a je možné ji rozšířit pro bydlení nebo venkovskou turistiku.

Území je pokryto Národní ekologickou rezervací, sítí Natura 2000 a Monchique SPA. Z hlediska nebezpečí požáru je území pokryto zónami Very Low, Low a Medium.

Na svahu rostou jahodníky a různé stromy.

Pokračujete-li po prašné cestě, z Via Algarviana, najdete vesnici Malhão a Lagos je vzdálen asi 30 km.

Přijďte a navštivte tuto nádhernou nemovitost a udělejte nám nabídku. Jsme otevřeni nabídkám!
Energetické hodnocení: Osvobozeno

Pozemek o rozloze 3 hektary a registrovaná zřícenina vedle nádherné řeky, v Marmelete. Autentický ráj a asi 20 minut od Aljezuru.

Pozemek se nachází v oblasti Sapata, mezi Aljezur a Marmelete, s přístupem po státní silnici a 2,5 km po polní cestě (asi 5 minut).

Klidná oblast se spoustou soukromí, na celém pozemku již pracovali současní majitelé, kteří vyčistili a vytvořili několik terasovitých plošin, s neuvěřitelnými výhledy do údolí a lesa. Na konci údolí, vedle řeky, se nachází zřícenina a pramen sladké vody.

V této nízké oblasti země je stále několik ovocných stromů a oblast zeleninových zahrad s velmi úrodnou půdou pro zemědělství, se snadným přístupem k vodě.

Stávající zřícenina má stavební plochu 73 metrů čtverečních, což je certifikováno městskou radou Monchique, a mohla by být rozšířena pro bydlení nebo venkovskou turistiku.

Území je pokryto Národní ekologickou rezervací, sítí Natura 2000 a SPA Monchique. Z hlediska nebezpečí požáru je území pokryto zónami Very Low, Low a Medium.

Podél svahu rostou Medronheiros a různé stromy.

Pokračujete po polní cestě da Via Algarviana Trail, najdete Malhão a Lagos je asi 30 km daleko.

Přijďte navštívit tuto nádhernou nemovitost a udělejte nám nabídku!
Energetické hodnocení: Osvobozeno
Referință: EDEN-T101369510
Țară: PT
Oraș: Marmelete
Categorie: Proprietate rezidențială
Tipul listării: De vânzare
Tipul proprietății: Casă & Casă pentru o singură familie
Dimensiuni proprietate: 31.750
Alte monede