Proprietăți rezidențiale – De vânzare
  • Plovdiv


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Apartament & condominiu de vânzare în Plovdiv

656.880 RON

Apartament & Condominiu (De vânzare)

Referință: EDEN-T103373500 / 103373500
Offer 66095: We present to your attention a project of a leading company in the construction of gated complexes in the city of Plovdiv. The construction company focuses on the comfort, safety and security in its complexes, the aesthetic layout of the space around the buildings and the well-developed infrastructure, among which work, entertainment, sports and recreation can be skillfully combined. The apartment we offer consists of a southwest corner living room with a kitchen area of 29sq.m., two separate bedrooms: children's room 13sq.m. and parental 14sq.m. with a private bathroom, a second toilet with a laundry room, an entrance hall and a terrace. The apartment has an adjoining basement, included in the price! The latest project of the company is a luxury complex, which is located in the northern part of the city of Plovdiv, surrounded by nature, which gives a genuine feeling of spaciousness and tranquility, with an amazing view of the Rhodope Mountains. The complex is based on the concept of an out-of-town complex, where smaller residential buildings are located in a large terrain, which offer tranquility on the outskirts of the city. The buildings have one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments, single and double underground and above-ground garages, as well as outdoor parking spaces. At the entrance to each building, an individual chip system is placed, high-speed elevators, and the interior space is designed in rich high and low vegetation, surrounded by picturesque greenery, a playground and a sports area. Due to its low building density, architectural design and good orientation, the complex is a preferred place that provides its residents with a peaceful and quality life. Provided Bank Financing with Extremely Favorable Conditions for the Agency's clients from Leading Banks !! SEE MORE GREAT DEALS ON https:// ... / WITH DAILY UPDATES! Vezi mai mult Vezi mai puțin Оферта 66095: Представяме на Вашето внимание един проект на водеща фирма в изграждането на комплекси от затворен тип в град Пловдив. Строителната компанията акцентира върху комфорта, безопасността и сигурността в своите комплекси, естетичното оформление на пространството около сградите и отлично развитата инфраструктура, сред която умело да бъдат съчетавани работа, развлечения, спорт и почивка. Апартаментът, които ви предлагаме се състои от югозападна ъглова дневна с кухненска част 29кв.м., две самостоятелни спални: детска 13кв.м. и родителска 14кв.м. със собствена баня, втора тоалетна с перално помещение, входно антре и една тераса. Към апартамента има прилежащо избено помещение, включено в цената! Най-новият проект на компанията е луксозен комплекс, който е разположен в северната част на град Пловдив, обграден от природа, която дава неподправено усещане за простор и спокойствие, с невероятна гледка към Родопите. Комплексът се базира на концепцията за извънградски комплекс, където в голям терен се разполагат по-малки жилищни сгради, които предлагат спокойствието в покрайнините на града. В сградите има жилища с една, две и три спални, единични и двойни подземни и надземни гаражи, както и външни паркоместа. На входа на всяка сграда е поставена система за индивидуален чип, високоскоростни асансьори, а вътрешнопарковото пространство е решено в богата висока и ниска растителност, заобиколена от живописни зеленина, детска площадка и площ за спорт. Благодарение на ниската си плътност на застрояване, архитектурния си дизайн и добрата ориентация, комплексът е предпочитано място, което осигурява на обитателите си спокоен и качествен живот. Осигурено Банково Финансиране с изключително Изгодни условия за клиенти на Агенцията от Водещи Банки !!! ВИЖТЕ ОЩЕ ИЗГОДНИ ОФЕРТИ НА https:// ... / С ЕЖЕДНЕВНА АКТУАЛИЗАЦИЯ! Offre 66095 : Nous présentons à votre attention un projet d’une entreprise leader dans la construction de complexes fermés dans la ville de Plovdiv. L’entreprise de construction met l’accent sur le confort, la sûreté et la sécurité dans ses complexes, l’aménagement esthétique de l’espace autour des bâtiments et l’infrastructure bien développée, parmi laquelle le travail, le divertissement, les sports et les loisirs peuvent être habilement combinés. L’appartement que nous vous proposons se compose d’un coin salon sud-ouest avec un coin cuisine de 29m², deux chambres séparées : chambre d’enfants 13m². et parentale 14m². avec une salle de bain privative, un second WC avec une buanderie, un hall d’entrée et une terrasse. L’appartement dispose d’un sous-sol attenant, inclus dans le prix ! Le dernier projet de l’entreprise est un complexe de luxe, situé dans la partie nord de la ville de Plovdiv, entouré par la nature, ce qui donne une véritable sensation d’espace et de tranquillité, avec une vue imprenable sur les montagnes des Rhodopes. Le complexe est basé sur le concept d’un complexe en dehors de la ville, où de petits bâtiments résidentiels sont situés sur un grand terrain, qui offrent la tranquillité à la périphérie de la ville. Les bâtiments disposent d’appartements d’une, deux et trois chambres, de garages souterrains et hors-sol simples et doubles, ainsi que de places de parking extérieures. À l’entrée de chaque bâtiment, un système de puces individuelles est placé, des ascenseurs à grande vitesse, et l’espace intérieur est conçu dans une riche végétation haute et basse, entourée d’une verdure pittoresque, d’une aire de jeux et d’une zone sportive. En raison de sa faible densité de construction, de sa conception architecturale et de sa bonne orientation, le complexe est un lieu de prédilection qui offre à ses résidents une vie paisible et de qualité. Financement bancaire fourni à des conditions extrêmement favorables pour les clients de l’agence auprès de banques de premier plan !! VOYEZ PLUS D’OFFRES EXCEPTIONNELLES SUR https:// ... / AVEC DES MISES À JOUR QUOTIDIENNES ! Offer 66095: We present to your attention a project of a leading company in the construction of gated complexes in the city of Plovdiv. The construction company focuses on the comfort, safety and security in its complexes, the aesthetic layout of the space around the buildings and the well-developed infrastructure, among which work, entertainment, sports and recreation can be skillfully combined. The apartment we offer consists of a southwest corner living room with a kitchen area of 29sq.m., two separate bedrooms: children's room 13sq.m. and parental 14sq.m. with a private bathroom, a second toilet with a laundry room, an entrance hall and a terrace. The apartment has an adjoining basement, included in the price! The latest project of the company is a luxury complex, which is located in the northern part of the city of Plovdiv, surrounded by nature, which gives a genuine feeling of spaciousness and tranquility, with an amazing view of the Rhodope Mountains. The complex is based on the concept of an out-of-town complex, where smaller residential buildings are located in a large terrain, which offer tranquility on the outskirts of the city. The buildings have one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments, single and double underground and above-ground garages, as well as outdoor parking spaces. At the entrance to each building, an individual chip system is placed, high-speed elevators, and the interior space is designed in rich high and low vegetation, surrounded by picturesque greenery, a playground and a sports area. Due to its low building density, architectural design and good orientation, the complex is a preferred place that provides its residents with a peaceful and quality life. Provided Bank Financing with Extremely Favorable Conditions for the Agency's clients from Leading Banks !! SEE MORE GREAT DEALS ON https:// ... / WITH DAILY UPDATES!
Referință: EDEN-T103373500
Țară: BG
Oraș: Plovdiv
Cod poștal: 4003
Categorie: Proprietate rezidențială
Tipul listării: De vânzare
Tipul proprietății: Apartament & Condominiu
Dimensiuni proprietate: 108
Etaj: 2


RON Leu românesc