970.391 RON
Apartament & Condominiu (De vânzare)
/ 104857043
Discover the new residential epitome of luxury at Venice in Dubai South with a choice of studios, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments and villas. This exceptional waterfront project redefines opulent living with its unique blend of contemporary design and timeless elegance with residential towers with 10 floors, presenting a lifestyle like never before. Spanning 23% water area within the community, this development boasts a stunning 18 km lagoon with a depth of 1.5 meters, complete with artificial waves. What sets it apart is the fact that this lagoon features sweet water and even artificial waves, ensuring that residents can enjoy the joys of the sea right at their doorstep. The heart is the 700-meter Boulevard, destined to become one of Dubai's premier attractions. It offers an array of retail outlets, ensuring residents have everything they need at their doorstep. Additionally, the community features a 1500-seat multi-purpose cultural center (Opera), two 5-star and one 4-star hotel, two schools, a hospital, and many such. With 155 km of park space, a tele cabin, and district cooling, it is designed to offer a lifestyle of convenience, comfort, and leisure. This visionary community combines the charm of Venice's waterside living with the modernity and luxury that Dubai is renowned for. With its extensive water features, cultural and recreational amenities, this master community aims to be an attraction point for all, a haven for residents and a symbol of modern luxury living. Location description and benefits The development enjoys a strategic location at Dubai South, nestled right next to the Al Maktoum International Airport, near the Emaar South development. The convenience of proximity to the proposed metro station adds to its allure, making it an ideal choice for those who value connectivity and accessibility. Dubai South, also known as the Dubai South Free Zone, is a dynamic and strategically planned district located in the southern part of Dubai. It serves as a major hub for economic, commercial, and logistical activities, designed with a vision to support the growth of various industries. One of its standout features is its proximity to the Al Maktoum International Airport, the world's largest airport in terms of cargo volume, making it a key player in the global logistics and aviation sectors. In addition to its logistical prowess, Dubai South is home to the Dubai Expo 2020 site, which served as a testament to the district's capacity to host large-scale global events. The Expo site has now transitioned into a legacy district, offering a wide range of amenities and infrastructure, including residential communities, educational institutions, and recreational facilities. Dubai South's commitment to sustainability is evident in its green initiatives, with a focus on eco-friendly urban planning and energy-efficient buildings.
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Scopri la nuova epitome residenziale del lusso a Venezia a Dubai South con una scelta di monolocali, appartamenti con 1, 2 e 3 camere da letto e ville. Questo eccezionale progetto sul lungomare ridefinisce la vita opulenta con la sua miscela unica di design contemporaneo ed eleganza senza tempo con torri residenziali di 10 piani, che presentano uno stile di vita come mai prima d'ora. Con una superficie acquatica del 23% all'interno della comunità, questo sviluppo vanta una splendida laguna di 18 km con una profondità di 1,5 metri, completa di onde artificiali. Ciò che la distingue è il fatto che questa laguna è caratterizzata da acqua dolce e persino da onde artificiali, che assicurano che i residenti possano godere delle gioie del mare proprio a portata di mano. Il cuore è il Boulevard di 700 metri, destinato a diventare una delle principali attrazioni di Dubai. Offre una vasta gamma di punti vendita, garantendo ai residenti di avere tutto ciò di cui hanno bisogno a portata di mano. Inoltre, la comunità dispone di un centro culturale polivalente da 1500 posti (Opera), due hotel a 5 stelle e uno a 4 stelle, due scuole, un ospedale e molti altri. Con 155 km di spazio nel parco, una cabina tele e teleraffrescamento, è progettato per offrire uno stile di vita all'insegna della comodità, del comfort e del tempo libero. Questa comunità visionaria combina il fascino della vita in riva al mare di Venezia con la modernità e il lusso per cui Dubai è rinomata. Con i suoi ampi giochi d'acqua, i servizi culturali e ricreativi, questa comunità padronale mira ad essere un punto di attrazione per tutti, un paradiso per i residenti e un simbolo della vita moderna e di lusso. Descrizione della posizione e vantaggi Lo sviluppo gode di una posizione strategica a Dubai South, proprio accanto all'aeroporto internazionale Al Maktoum, vicino allo sviluppo di Emaar South. La comodità della vicinanza alla stazione della metropolitana proposta ne aumenta il fascino, rendendola la scelta ideale per coloro che apprezzano la connettività e l'accessibilità. Dubai South, noto anche come Dubai South Free Zone, è un quartiere dinamico e strategicamente pianificato situato nella parte meridionale di Dubai. Funge da importante hub per le attività economiche, commerciali e logistiche, progettato con la visione di supportare la crescita di vari settori. Una delle sue caratteristiche distintive è la vicinanza all'aeroporto internazionale Al Maktoum, il più grande aeroporto del mondo in termini di volume di merci, che lo rende un attore chiave nei settori della logistica e dell'aviazione globale. Oltre alla sua abilità logistica, Dubai South ospita il sito Dubai Expo 2020, che è servito a testimoniare la capacità del distretto di ospitare eventi globali su larga scala. Il sito dell'Expo è ora trasformato in un quartiere storico, che offre una vasta gamma di servizi e infrastrutture, tra cui comunità residenziali, istituzioni educative e strutture ricreative. L'impegno di Dubai South per la sostenibilità è evidente nelle sue iniziative ecologiche, con particolare attenzione alla pianificazione urbana eco-compatibile e agli edifici efficienti dal punto di vista energetico.
Discover the new residential epitome of luxury at Venice in Dubai South with a choice of studios, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments and villas. This exceptional waterfront project redefines opulent living with its unique blend of contemporary design and timeless elegance with residential towers with 10 floors, presenting a lifestyle like never before. Spanning 23% water area within the community, this development boasts a stunning 18 km lagoon with a depth of 1.5 meters, complete with artificial waves. What sets it apart is the fact that this lagoon features sweet water and even artificial waves, ensuring that residents can enjoy the joys of the sea right at their doorstep. The heart is the 700-meter Boulevard, destined to become one of Dubai's premier attractions. It offers an array of retail outlets, ensuring residents have everything they need at their doorstep. Additionally, the community features a 1500-seat multi-purpose cultural center (Opera), two 5-star and one 4-star hotel, two schools, a hospital, and many such. With 155 km of park space, a tele cabin, and district cooling, it is designed to offer a lifestyle of convenience, comfort, and leisure. This visionary community combines the charm of Venice's waterside living with the modernity and luxury that Dubai is renowned for. With its extensive water features, cultural and recreational amenities, this master community aims to be an attraction point for all, a haven for residents and a symbol of modern luxury living. Location description and benefits The development enjoys a strategic location at Dubai South, nestled right next to the Al Maktoum International Airport, near the Emaar South development. The convenience of proximity to the proposed metro station adds to its allure, making it an ideal choice for those who value connectivity and accessibility. Dubai South, also known as the Dubai South Free Zone, is a dynamic and strategically planned district located in the southern part of Dubai. It serves as a major hub for economic, commercial, and logistical activities, designed with a vision to support the growth of various industries. One of its standout features is its proximity to the Al Maktoum International Airport, the world's largest airport in terms of cargo volume, making it a key player in the global logistics and aviation sectors. In addition to its logistical prowess, Dubai South is home to the Dubai Expo 2020 site, which served as a testament to the district's capacity to host large-scale global events. The Expo site has now transitioned into a legacy district, offering a wide range of amenities and infrastructure, including residential communities, educational institutions, and recreational facilities. Dubai South's commitment to sustainability is evident in its green initiatives, with a focus on eco-friendly urban planning and energy-efficient buildings.
Objevte nové rezidenční ztělesnění luxusu v Benátkách na jihu Dubaje s výběrem studií, apartmánů a vil s 1, 2 a 3 ložnicemi. Tento výjimečný projekt na nábřeží nově definuje opulentní bydlení s jedinečnou kombinací současného designu a nadčasové elegance s obytnými věžemi s 10 podlažími, které představují životní styl jako nikdy předtím. Tento stavba, která se rozkládá na 23 % vodní plochy v komunitě, se může pochlubit ohromující 18 km dlouhou lagunou s hloubkou 1,5 metru, doplněnou umělými vlnami. Odlišuje ji skutečnost, že tato laguna má sladkou vodu a dokonce i umělé vlny, což zajišťuje, že si obyvatelé mohou užívat radosti z moře přímo na dosah ruky. Srdcem je 700 metrů dlouhý bulvár, který se má stát jednou z hlavních dubajských atrakcí. Nabízí řadu maloobchodních prodejen, což zajišťuje, že obyvatelé mají vše, co potřebují, na dosah ruky. Kromě toho komunita nabízí víceúčelové kulturní centrum (Opera) s 1500 místy, dva 5hvězdičkové a jeden 4hvězdičkový hotel, dvě školy, nemocnici a mnoho dalších. Se 155 km parkového prostoru, telekabinou a dálkovým chlazením je navržen tak, aby nabízel životní styl pohodlí, pohodlí a volného času. Tato vizionářská komunita kombinuje kouzlo benátského života na nábřeží s moderností a luxusem, kterými je Dubaj proslulá. Díky svým rozsáhlým vodním prvkům, kulturnímu a rekreačnímu vybavení si tato hlavní komunita klade za cíl být atraktivním místem pro všechny, útočištěm pro obyvatele a symbolem moderního luxusního bydlení. Popis lokality a výhody Výstavba má strategickou polohu v jižní části Dubaje, hned vedle mezinárodního letiště Al Maktoum, v blízkosti zástavby Emaar South. Pohodlí blízkosti navrhované stanice metra dodává na její přitažlivosti, což z ní činí ideální volbu pro ty, kteří oceňují konektivitu a dostupnost. Dubai South, známá také jako Dubai South Free Zone, je dynamická a strategicky plánovaná čtvrť nacházející se v jižní části Dubaje. Slouží jako hlavní centrum pro ekonomické, obchodní a logistické aktivity, navržené s vizí podporovat růst různých průmyslových odvětví. Jednou z jeho výjimečných vlastností je blízkost mezinárodního letiště Al Maktoum, největšího letiště na světě z hlediska objemu nákladu, což z něj činí klíčového hráče v globálním logistickém a leteckém sektoru. Kromě logistické zdatnosti je Dubai South domovem výstavy Dubai Expo 2020, která sloužila jako důkaz schopnosti čtvrti hostit velké globální akce. Areál Expa se nyní proměnil ve starší čtvrť, která nabízí širokou škálu občanské vybavenosti a infrastruktury, včetně rezidenčních komunit, vzdělávacích institucí a rekreačních zařízení. Závazek jižní Dubaje k udržitelnosti je zřejmý z jejích zelených iniciativ se zaměřením na ekologické městské plánování a energeticky účinné budovy.
Découvrez la nouvelle incarnation résidentielle du luxe à Venise dans le sud de Dubaï avec un choix de studios, d’appartements de 1, 2 et 3 chambres et de villas. Ce projet exceptionnel au bord de l’eau redéfinit la vie opulente avec son mélange unique de design contemporain et d’élégance intemporelle avec des tours résidentielles de 10 étages, présentant un style de vie comme jamais auparavant. Couvrant 23 % de la zone d’eau de la communauté, ce développement dispose d’un magnifique lagon de 18 km avec une profondeur de 1,5 mètre, avec des vagues artificielles. Ce qui le distingue, c’est le fait que ce lagon dispose d’eau douce et même de vagues artificielles, ce qui permet aux résidents de profiter des joies de la mer juste à leur porte. Le cœur est le boulevard de 700 mètres, destiné à devenir l’une des principales attractions de Dubaï. Il offre un éventail de points de vente, garantissant aux résidents tout ce dont ils ont besoin à leur porte. De plus, la communauté dispose d’un centre culturel polyvalent (Opéra) de 1500 places, de deux hôtels 5 étoiles et d’un hôtel 4 étoiles, de deux écoles, d’un hôpital et bien d’autres. Avec 155 km d’espace vert, une télécabine et un système de rafraîchissement urbain, il est conçu pour offrir un style de vie de commodité, de confort et de loisirs. Cette communauté visionnaire combine le charme de la vie au bord de l’eau de Venise avec la modernité et le luxe qui font la renommée de Dubaï. Avec ses vastes jeux d’eau, ses équipements culturels et récréatifs, cette communauté principale vise à être un point d’attraction pour tous, un havre de paix pour les résidents et un symbole de la vie de luxe moderne. Description de l’emplacement et avantages Le développement bénéficie d’un emplacement stratégique à Dubaï Sud, niché juste à côté de l’aéroport international Al Maktoum, à proximité du développement d’Emaar Sud. La commodité de la proximité de la station de métro proposée ajoute à son attrait, ce qui en fait un choix idéal pour ceux qui apprécient la connectivité et l’accessibilité. Dubaï Sud, également connu sous le nom de zone franche de Dubaï Sud, est un quartier dynamique et stratégiquement planifié situé dans la partie sud de Dubaï. Il s’agit d’une plaque tournante majeure pour les activités économiques, commerciales et logistiques, conçue avec une vision visant à soutenir la croissance de diverses industries. L’une de ses caractéristiques les plus remarquables est sa proximité avec l’aéroport international d’Al Maktoum, le plus grand aéroport au monde en termes de volume de fret, ce qui en fait un acteur clé dans les secteurs mondiaux de la logistique et de l’aviation. En plus de ses prouesses logistiques, Dubaï Sud abrite le site de l’Expo 2020 de Dubaï, qui témoigne de la capacité du quartier à accueillir des événements mondiaux de grande envergure. Le site de l’Expo est maintenant devenu un quartier hérité, offrant un large éventail de commodités et d’infrastructures, notamment des communautés résidentielles, des établissements d’enseignement et des installations de loisirs. L’engagement de Dubaï Sud en faveur de la durabilité est évident dans ses initiatives vertes, en mettant l’accent sur l’urbanisme respectueux de l’environnement et les bâtiments économes en énergie.
Proprietate rezidențială
Tipul listării:
De vânzare
Tipul proprietății:
Apartament & Condominiu
Dimensiuni proprietate:
37 m²