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Rustic land located in Maçãs de Dona Maria on the N110 national road. The land has a total area of 11,000 m2, being close to schools, shops and services, also having excellent accessibility, as it is located just 5 minutes from the access node to the A13, which will provide easy and quick access to the cities of Entroncamento and Coimbra. It is also 15 minutes from the Templar city of Tomar, which was designed by Gualdim Pais and founded in 1160, having been the headquarters of the Orders of the Temple and Christ. Tomar is still today one of the most appreciated tourist spots in Portugal, due to its rich History and Culture, contemplating its Castle that dates back to the Roman, Gothic and Renaissance architectural style and being since 1983 a UNESCO Cultural Heritage. Living and investing in central Portugal will give you the opportunity to find the pleasure of nature, not forgetting the magnificent gastronomy, and enrich your soul in an unparalleled cultural heritage, in the largest and most diverse tourist region in Portugal. For more information contact us. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED, EVEN IF NECESSARY, DOES NOT DISPENSE WITH ITS CONFIRMATION NOR CAN IT BE CONSIDERED BINDING.
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Rustikales Grundstück in Maçãs de Dona Maria an der Nationalstraße N110. Das Grundstück hat eine Gesamtfläche von 11.000 m2, befindet sich in der Nähe von Schulen, Geschäften und Dienstleistungen und ist auch hervorragend erreichbar, da es nur 5 Minuten von der Anschlussstelle zur A13 entfernt liegt, die Ihnen einen einfachen und schnellen Zugang zu den Städten Entroncamento und Coimbra ermöglicht. Es ist auch 15 Minuten von der Templerstadt Tomar entfernt, die von Gualdim Pais entworfen und 1160 gegründet wurde und der Sitz des Ordens des Tempels und Christi war. Tomar ist auch heute noch einer der beliebtesten Touristenorte Portugals, aufgrund seiner reichen Geschichte und Kultur, mit seiner Burg, die aus dem römischen, gotischen und Renaissance-Baustil stammt und seit 1983 zum UNESCO-Kulturerbe gehört. Wenn Sie im Zentrum Portugals leben und investieren, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, den Genuss der Natur zu finden, nicht zu vergessen die herrliche Gastronomie, und Ihre Seele in einem unvergleichlichen kulturellen Erbe in der größten und vielfältigsten Tourismusregion Portugals zu bereichern. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. DIE GEMACHTEN ANGABEN, AUCH WENN SIE RICHTIG SIND, ENTBINDEN UNS NICHT IHRER BESTÄTIGUNG UND KÖNNEN NICHT ALS VERBINDLICH ANGESEHEN WERDEN.
Terrain rustique situé à Maçãs de Dona Maria sur la route nationale N110. Le terrain a une superficie totale de 11 000 m2, étant proche des écoles, des commerces et des services, et a également une excellente accessibilité, car il est situé à seulement 5 minutes de la jonction d’accès à l’A13, ce qui vous permettra un accès facile et rapide aux villes d’Entroncamento et Coimbra. Il est également à 15 minutes de la ville templière de Tomar, qui a été conçue par Gualdim Pais et fondée en 1160, après avoir été le siège des ordres du Temple et du Christ. Tomar est encore aujourd’hui l’un des sites touristiques les plus appréciés du Portugal, en raison de sa riche histoire et culture, en contemplant son château qui remonte au style architectural romain, gothique et Renaissance et est un site du patrimoine culturel de l’UNESCO depuis 1983. Vivre et investir dans le centre du Portugal vous donnera l’occasion de trouver le plaisir de la nature, sans oublier la magnifique gastronomie, et d’enrichir votre âme dans un patrimoine culturel inégalé, dans la région touristique la plus grande et la plus diversifiée du Portugal. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez nous contacter. LES INFORMATIONS FOURNIES, MÊME EXACTES, NE DISPENSENT PAS DE LEUR CONFIRMATION ET NE PEUVENT ÊTRE CONSIDÉRÉES COMME CONTRAIGNANTES.
Terreno Rústico localizado em Maçãs de Dona Maria na estrada nacional N110. O terreno conta com uma área total de 11.000 m2, encontrando-se próximo de escolas, comércios e serviços, tendo também excelentes acessibilidades, dado localizar-se a apenas 5 minutos do nó de acesso à A13, o que lhe viabilizará um fácil e rápido acesso às cidades de Entroncamento e Coimbra. Encontra-se também a 15 minutos da cidade Templária de Tomar que foi desenhada por Gualdim Pais e fundada em 1160 tendo sido sede das Ordens do Templo e de Cristo. Tomar é ainda hoje um ponto turístico dos mais apreciados em Portugal, devido à sua rica História e Cultura, contemplando o seu Castelo que remonta ao estilo arquitectónico romano, gótico e renascentista e sendo desde 1983 Património Cultural da UNESCO. Viver e investir no centro de Portugal dar-lhe-á a oportunidade de encontrar o prazer da natureza, não esquecendo a magnífica gastronomia, e enriquecer a sua alma num patrimônio cultural inigualável, na maior e mais diversificada região turística de Portugal. Para mais informações contacte-nos. A INFORMAÇÃO DISPONIBILIZADA AINDA QUE PRECISA, NÃO DISPENSA A SUA CONFIRMAÇÃO NEM PODE SER CONSIDERADA VINCULATIVA.
Rustic land located in Maçãs de Dona Maria on the N110 national road. The land has a total area of 11,000 m2, being close to schools, shops and services, also having excellent accessibility, as it is located just 5 minutes from the access node to the A13, which will provide easy and quick access to the cities of Entroncamento and Coimbra. It is also 15 minutes from the Templar city of Tomar, which was designed by Gualdim Pais and founded in 1160, having been the headquarters of the Orders of the Temple and Christ. Tomar is still today one of the most appreciated tourist spots in Portugal, due to its rich History and Culture, contemplating its Castle that dates back to the Roman, Gothic and Renaissance architectural style and being since 1983 a UNESCO Cultural Heritage. Living and investing in central Portugal will give you the opportunity to find the pleasure of nature, not forgetting the magnificent gastronomy, and enrich your soul in an unparalleled cultural heritage, in the largest and most diverse tourist region in Portugal. For more information contact us. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED, EVEN IF NECESSARY, DOES NOT DISPENSE WITH ITS CONFIRMATION NOR CAN IT BE CONSIDERED BINDING.
Macas De Dona Maria
Proprietate rezidențială
Tipul listării:
De vânzare
Tipul proprietății:
Dimensiuni proprietate:
11.100 m²