
Criterii de căutare avansată

Tipul proprietății
Subtip proprietate
Subtip proprietate
Vârsta proprietarului
Dimensiuni proprietate
Dimensiuni teren
Anul construcției
Anul înființării
Sistem de încălzire
Combustibili de încălzire
Consum de energie
Emisii de gaz cu efecte de seră
Preț / m²
Chirie / m² / An
Cifră de afaceri
Venit net
Preț de închiriere

Teren de vânzare în Kyustendil

314.120 RON

Teren (De vânzare)

Referință: EDEN-T93888046 / 93888046
SUPRIMMO Agency: ... We present to your attention a regulated land property that provides an excellent opportunity for investment or construction of detached or terraced houses. The property is located in a convenient location facing an asphalt street, which facilitates access and offers convenience for future residents. The plot falls within the development zone Zhm, which allows residential construction with the following parameters: Building density: 40% Intensity factor (INTENSITY): 1.3 Building height: according to the zone, which allows for the design of practical and functional residential objects. In view of these indicators, the future total built-up area (TBA) can reach approximately 3600 sq.m, which makes it suitable for both a small residential complex and single-family or terraced houses. Communications are fully provided, with electricity and water located directly in front of the property, which greatly facilitates the start of construction activities. We can organize a viewing of the property at a convenient time for you. For this purpose, contact the broker responsible for the offer Property Reservation The property can be reserved and removed from sale with payment of a deposit, after which viewings with other buyers are terminated and the preparation of documents for concluding a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information about the purchase procedure and payment methods. We are a respected company and will be with you not only during the purchase, but also afterwards, providing you with additional services at your request in order to fully and smoothly use the newly purchased property. The services we can offer include obtaining approval for a mortgage loan, movable and immovable property insurance, life insurance, medical and motor insurance, construction and repair works. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: Kbs 117697 Tel: ... , 02 454 11 73 Responsible broker: Hristo Hitov Vezi mai mult Vezi mai puțin Агенция SUPRIMMO: ... Представяме на вашето внимание урегулиран поземлен имот, който предоставя отлична възможност за инвестиция или строителство на самостоятелни или редови къщи. Имотът е разположен на удобно място с голямо лице към асфалтова улица, което улеснява достъпа и предлага удобство за бъдещите обитатели. Парцелът попада в устройствена зона Жм, която позволява жилищно строителство със следните параметри: Плътност на застрояване: 40% Коефициент на интензивност (КИНТ): 1.3 Височина на застрояване: съгласно зоната, което дава възможност за проектиране на практични и функционални жилищни обекти. С оглед на тези показатели, бъдещото разгънато застроено пространство (РЗП) може да достигне приблизително 3600 кв.м, което го прави подходящ както за малък жилищен комплекс, така и за еднофамилни или редови къщи. Комуникациите са изцяло осигурени, като ток и вода се намират непосредствено пред имота, което значително улеснява започването на строителните дейности. Оглед на имота Можем да организираме оглед на имота в удобно за вас време. За целта, свържете се с отговорния за офертата брокер Резервация на имота Имотът може да бъде резервиран и свален от продажба със заплащане на депозит, след което се прекратява провеждането на огледи с други купувачи и започва подготовка на документите за сключване на предварителен и окончателен договор. Свържете се с отговорния брокер за този имот за подробна информация относно процедурата на покупка и начините за плащане. Допълнителни услуги и следпродажбено обслужване Ние сме уважавана компания и ще бъдем с вас не само по време на покупката, но и след това, осигурявайки ви допълнителни услуги по ваше изискване с цел пълноценно и безпроблемно ползване на новозакупения имот. Услугите, които можем да предложим, включват получаване на одобрение за ипотечен кредит, застраховка на движимо и недвижимо имущество, застраховка живот, медицинско и автомобилно застраховане, строителни и ремонтни дейности, За повече информация свържете се с нас и цитирайте референтния номер на имота. Моля, кажете, че сте видeли обявата в този сайт. Референтен номер: Kbs 117697 Тел: ... , 02 454 11 73 Отговорен брокер:Христо Хитов SUPRIMMO Agency: ... We present to your attention a regulated land property that provides an excellent opportunity for investment or construction of detached or terraced houses. The property is located in a convenient location facing an asphalt street, which facilitates access and offers convenience for future residents. The plot falls within the development zone Zhm, which allows residential construction with the following parameters: Building density: 40% Intensity factor (INTENSITY): 1.3 Building height: according to the zone, which allows for the design of practical and functional residential objects. In view of these indicators, the future total built-up area (TBA) can reach approximately 3600 sq.m, which makes it suitable for both a small residential complex and single-family or terraced houses. Communications are fully provided, with electricity and water located directly in front of the property, which greatly facilitates the start of construction activities. We can organize a viewing of the property at a convenient time for you. For this purpose, contact the broker responsible for the offer Property Reservation The property can be reserved and removed from sale with payment of a deposit, after which viewings with other buyers are terminated and the preparation of documents for concluding a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information about the purchase procedure and payment methods. We are a respected company and will be with you not only during the purchase, but also afterwards, providing you with additional services at your request in order to fully and smoothly use the newly purchased property. The services we can offer include obtaining approval for a mortgage loan, movable and immovable property insurance, life insurance, medical and motor insurance, construction and repair works. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: Kbs 117697 Tel: ... , 02 454 11 73 Responsible broker: Hristo Hitov SUPRIMMO Agency: ... Wir präsentieren Ihnen ein reguliertes Grundstück, das eine hervorragende Gelegenheit für Investitionen oder den Bau von Einfamilien- oder Reihenhäusern bietet. Das Anwesen befindet sich in günstiger Lage mit Blick auf eine asphaltierte Straße, was den Zugang erleichtert und den zukünftigen Bewohnern Komfort bietet. Das Grundstück fällt in die Entwicklungszone Zhm, die den Wohnungsbau mit folgenden Parametern ermöglicht: Bebauungsdichte: 40% Intensitätsfaktor (INTENSITÄT): 1,3 Gebäudehöhe: entsprechend der Zone, die die Gestaltung praktischer und funktionaler Wohnobjekte ermöglicht. In Anbetracht dieser Indikatoren kann die zukünftige bebaute Gesamtfläche (TBA) ca. 3600 m² erreichen, was sie sowohl für einen kleinen Wohnkomplex als auch für Einfamilien- oder Reihenhäuser geeignet macht. Die Kommunikation ist vollständig gewährleistet, Strom und Wasser befinden sich direkt vor dem Grundstück, was den Beginn der Bauarbeiten erheblich erleichtert. Wir können eine Besichtigung der Immobilie zu einem für Sie günstigen Zeitpunkt organisieren. Wenden Sie sich zu diesem Zweck an den Makler, der für das Angebot verantwortlich ist Immobilienreservierung Die Immobilie kann reserviert und gegen Zahlung einer Anzahlung aus dem Verkauf genommen werden, wonach die Besichtigungen mit anderen Käufern beendet werden und die Vorbereitung der Dokumente für den Abschluss eines Vor- und Abschlussvertrags beginnt. Wenden Sie sich an den zuständigen Makler für diese Immobilie, um detaillierte Informationen über den Kaufvorgang und die Zahlungsmethoden zu erhalten. Wir sind ein angesehenes Unternehmen und begleiten Sie nicht nur während des Kaufs, sondern auch danach und bieten Ihnen auf Ihren Wunsch zusätzliche Dienstleistungen an, um die neu erworbene Immobilie vollständig und reibungslos zu nutzen. Zu den Dienstleistungen, die wir anbieten können, gehören die Erlangung der Genehmigung eines Hypothekendarlehens, eine Versicherung für bewegliche und unbewegliche Sachen, eine Lebensversicherung, eine Kranken- und Kfz-Versicherung, Bau- und Reparaturarbeiten. Bitte geben Sie an, dass Sie die Anzeige auf dieser Website gesehen haben. Referenznummer: Kbs 117697 Tel: ... , 02 454 11 73 Verantwortlicher Makler: Hristo Hitov
Referință: EDEN-T93888046
Țară: BG
Oraș: Kustendil
Cod poștal: 2640
Categorie: Proprietate rezidențială
Tipul listării: De vânzare
Tipul proprietății: Teren
Dimensiuni proprietate: 2.836


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