445.385 RON
930 m²
We present this fantastic land with 967.5m2, located in Nadadouro, with the possibility of construction. Very quiet area, where privacy is valued. Close to the city, where you can enjoy all the necessary services and very close to the beach. A short distance away you can enjoy a cafe with a wide view over the Óbidos Lagoon, watching a beautiful sunset.Nadadouro is a parish in a phase of full development. It owes its name to a specific geographic fact of the village. It was the place where people went to swim. Even today the village of Nadadouro goes there to rest, fish and swim.
According to tradition, which has been circulating by word of mouth over the centuries, shepherds used to drive their flocks to the lake and take the opportunity there to rest and take a good bath. That's how this place started to be called Nadadouro.This plot of land is very well located, just 5 minutes from the city of Caldas da Rainha, 7 minutes from the beach at Foz do Arelho as well as Lagoa de Óbidos and 55 minutes from Lisbon Airport.*
With Century21 Porta SimYou will find a service focused on you!
You will find people focused on your goal and not ours, because
our business is not real estate, our business is happiness
of customers with whom we have the privilege and honor to help.3 reasons to buy with Century21 Porta Sim:+ InformationWith a unique preparation and experience in the real estate market, Century21 consultants put all their dedication in giving you as much information and guidance as possible, guiding you with the utmost confidence and credibility, in the right direction for your needs and desires.+ Easy
Century21 consultants are trained in high standards of rigor and quality, to serve you better, in a process that will bring you total peace of mind, as our commercial, legal and credit intermediation departments cooperate to help you in this very important process. how to buy a new house.+ Happiness
Free yourself from worries and gain the quality time you need to dedicate yourself to what makes you happiest.
We act daily to bring more value to your life with the reliable advice you need so that together we can achieve the best results, the happiest results, find your dream home.Grades:
If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your customers to buyers and talk to us to schedule your visit. For easier identification of this property, please refer to the respective reference or the respective agent who sent you the suggestion. Vezi mai mult Vezi mai puțin Vous envisagez de construire la maison de vos rêves et vous ne savez toujours pas où ?
Nous présentons ce fantastique terrain de 967,5 m2, situé à Nadadouro, avec possibilité de construction. Quartier très calme, où l'intimité est valorisée. Proche de la ville, où vous pourrez profiter de tous les services nécessaires et très proche de la plage. À une courte distance, vous pourrez profiter d'un café avec une large vue sur la lagune d'Óbidos, en regardant un magnifique coucher de soleil.Nadadouro est une paroisse en pleine phase de développement. Il doit son nom à un fait géographique spécifique du village. C'était l'endroit où les gens allaient se baigner. Aujourd'hui encore le village de Nadadouro s'y rend pour se reposer, pêcher et se baigner.
Selon la tradition, qui a circulé de bouche à oreille au cours des siècles, les bergers conduisaient leurs troupeaux au lac et en profitaient pour s'y reposer et prendre un bon bain. C'est ainsi que cet endroit a commencé à s'appeler Nadadouro.Ce terrain est très bien situé, à seulement 5 minutes de la ville de Caldas da Rainha, à 7 minutes de la plage de Foz do Arelho ainsi que de Lagoa de Óbidos et à 55 minutes de l'aéroport de Lisbonne.*
Avec le Century21 Porta SimVous trouverez un service centré sur vous !
Vous trouverez des personnes concentrées sur votre objectif et non sur le nôtre, car
notre métier n'est pas l'immobilier, notre métier c'est le bonheur
des clients avec qui nous avons le privilège et l'honneur d'aider.3 raisons d'acheter avec Century21 Porta Sim :+ InformationsForts d'une préparation et d'une expérience uniques sur le marché de l'immobilier, les consultants de Century21 mettent tout leur dévouement à vous donner le plus d'informations et de conseils possibles, vous guidant avec la plus grande confiance et crédibilité, dans la bonne direction de vos besoins et désirs.+ facile
Les consultants de Century21 ont une formation basée sur des standards élevés de rigueur et de qualité, pour mieux vous servir, dans un processus qui vous apportera une tranquillité d'esprit totale, car nos services commerciaux, juridiques et d'intermédiation de crédit coopèrent pour vous aider dans ce processus très important. pour acheter une nouvelle maison.+ bonheur
Libérez-vous des soucis et gagnez le temps de qualité dont vous avez besoin pour vous consacrer à ce qui vous rend le plus heureux.
Nous agissons quotidiennement pour apporter plus de valeur à votre vie avec les conseils fiables dont vous avez besoin afin que, ensemble, nous puissions obtenir les meilleurs résultats, les résultats les plus heureux, en trouvant la maison de vos rêves.Notes :
Si vous êtes un consultant immobilier, cette propriété est disponible pour le partage d'entreprise. N'hésitez pas à présenter vos clients acheteurs et à nous parler pour programmer votre visite. Pour une identification plus facile de cette propriété, veuillez vous référer à la référence respective ou à l'agent respectif qui vous a envoyé la suggestion. Está a pensar construir a sua moradia de sonho e ainda não sabe onde?
Apresentamos este fantástico terreno com 967,5m2, situado no Nadadouro, com possibilidade de construção. Zona bastante calma, onde a privacidade é valorizada. Próximo da cidade, onde poderá usufruir de todos os serviços necessários e muito próximo da praia. A uma curta distância poderá disfrutar de um café com uma ampla vista sobre a Lagoa de Óbidos, a ver um belíssimo pôr do sol.O Nadadouro é uma Freguesia em fase de franco desenvolvimento. Deve o seu nome a um fato geográfico específico da povoação. Era o local onde as pessoas iam nadar. Ainda hoje a povoação do Nadadouro ali vai descansar, pescar e nadar.
Segundo a tradição, que tem circulado de boca em boca ao longo dos séculos, os pastores tinham o hábito de conduzir os seus rebanhos até à lagoa e aí aproveitavam para descansar e tomar um bom banho. Assim começou a designar-se esse lugar de Nadadouro.Este terreno está muito bem localizado, apenas a 5 minutos da cidade de Caldas da Rainha, a 7 minutos da praia da Foz do Arelho bem como da Lagoa de Óbidos e a 55 minutos do Aeroporto de Lisboa.*
Com a Century21 Porta SimEncontrará um serviço focado em si!
Encontrará pessoas focadas no seu objectivo e não nosso, pois
o nosso ramo de negócio não são os imóveis, o nosso ramo de negócio é a felicidade
dos clientes com quem temos o privilégio e a honra de ajudar.3 razões para comprar com a Century21 Porta Sim:+ InformaçãoCom uma preparação e experiência única no mercado imobiliário, os consultores Century21 põem toda a sua dedicação em dar-lhe o máximo de informação e orientação possível, orientando-o com a máxima confiança e credibilidade, na direção certa das suas necessidades e desejos.+ Fácil
Os consultores Century21 têm uma formação assente em elevados padrões de rigor e qualidade, para o servir melhor, num processo que para si trará total tranquilidade, pois o nosso departamento comercial, jurídico e de intermediação de crédito cooperam, para o ajudar neste processo tão importante como comprar uma casa nova.+ Felicidade
Liberte-se de preocupações e ganhe o tempo de qualidade que necessita para se dedicar ao que lhe faz mais feliz.
Agimos diariamente para trazer mais valor à sua vida com o aconselhamento fiável de que precisa para, juntos, conseguirmos atingir os melhores resultados, os resultados mais felizes, encontrar a sua casa de sonho.Notas:
Caso seja um consultor imobiliário, este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Não hesite em apresentar aos seus clientes compradores e fale connosco para agendar a sua visita. Para maior facilidade na identificação deste imóvel, por favor, refira a respetiva referência ou o respetivo agente que lhe tenha enviado a sugestão. Are you thinking of building your dream home and still don't know where?
We present this fantastic land with 967.5m2, located in Nadadouro, with the possibility of construction. Very quiet area, where privacy is valued. Close to the city, where you can enjoy all the necessary services and very close to the beach. A short distance away you can enjoy a cafe with a wide view over the Óbidos Lagoon, watching a beautiful sunset.Nadadouro is a parish in a phase of full development. It owes its name to a specific geographic fact of the village. It was the place where people went to swim. Even today the village of Nadadouro goes there to rest, fish and swim.
According to tradition, which has been circulating by word of mouth over the centuries, shepherds used to drive their flocks to the lake and take the opportunity there to rest and take a good bath. That's how this place started to be called Nadadouro.This plot of land is very well located, just 5 minutes from the city of Caldas da Rainha, 7 minutes from the beach at Foz do Arelho as well as Lagoa de Óbidos and 55 minutes from Lisbon Airport.*
With Century21 Porta SimYou will find a service focused on you!
You will find people focused on your goal and not ours, because
our business is not real estate, our business is happiness
of customers with whom we have the privilege and honor to help.3 reasons to buy with Century21 Porta Sim:+ InformationWith a unique preparation and experience in the real estate market, Century21 consultants put all their dedication in giving you as much information and guidance as possible, guiding you with the utmost confidence and credibility, in the right direction for your needs and desires.+ Easy
Century21 consultants are trained in high standards of rigor and quality, to serve you better, in a process that will bring you total peace of mind, as our commercial, legal and credit intermediation departments cooperate to help you in this very important process. how to buy a new house.+ Happiness
Free yourself from worries and gain the quality time you need to dedicate yourself to what makes you happiest.
We act daily to bring more value to your life with the reliable advice you need so that together we can achieve the best results, the happiest results, find your dream home.Grades:
If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to introduce your customers to buyers and talk to us to schedule your visit. For easier identification of this property, please refer to the respective reference or the respective agent who sent you the suggestion.