Oportunități de afaceri (De vânzare)
166 m²
/ 96475937
SHOP, OFFICE, RESTAURANT IN A TOP LOCATION IN THE CITY OF SOFIA. BANSKO. 'Local Property Expert' is pleased to present to your attention shop 1 on the ground floor of the residential building 'Mountine Homes' in the town of Varna. Bansko, located at 38 Nayden Gerov Street. The store is in the ski area, in a great location. With a face and a showcase of 12m. overlooking a main road, with a large pedestrian and car flow. There are parking spaces on the street next to the store and on the 'BLUE ZONE' opposite the store. There is a main intersection nearby! It is sold finished, with flooring, white paint, installed lighting, bathroom with water heater and air conditioning. Ready to go. Available unfurnished! It is also suitable for a restaurant or groceries! The residential building 'Mountine Homes' is a new, luxurious building and all apartments are already sold and occupied! Location of the store: For reservation and removal of the property from sale, a stop deposit of 2000 euros is deposited at the office of 'Local Property Expert' or to the bank account of the agency. We at 'Local Property Expert' will assist you throughout the entire process of the sale, as well as beyond. We can also help you secure bank financing, as well as any necessary after-sale services related to the property. For information and viewings: 'Local Property Expert' ... broker: Anton Malchov tel: ... , ... email: ... Please quote the ad reference number: 39.
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МАГАЗИН, ОФИС, РЕСТОРАНТ НА ТОП ЛОКАЦИЯ В ГР. БАНСКО. 'Local Property Expert' има удоволствието да представи на Вашето внимание магазин 1 на партерен етаж в жилищна сграда 'Mountine Homes' в гр. Банско, намираща се на ул.Найден Геров 38. Магазинът е в ски зоната, на страхотна локация. С лице и витрина 12м. гледаща към главен път, с голям пешеходен и автомобилен поток. Места за паркиране има на улицата до магазина и на 'СИНЯ ЗОНА' срещу магазина. В близост има главно кръстовище! Продава се в завършен вид, с подови настилки, на бяла боя, монтирано осветление, санитарен възел с бойлер и климатик. Готов за работа. Предлага се без обзавеждане! Подходящ е също за ресторант или хранителни стоки! Жилищна сградата 'Mountine Homes' е нова, луксозна сграда и всички апартаменти са вече продадени и населени! Локация на магазина: За резервация и сваляне на имота от продажба се депозира стоп депозит в размер на 2000 евро в офис на 'Local Property Expert' или по банкова сметка на агенцията. Ние от 'Local Property Expert' ще Ви съдействаме през целият процес на продажбата, както и отвъд нея. Можем също да Ви помогнем за осигуряване на банково финансиране, както и всички необходими услуги след продажбата, свързани с имота. За информация и огледи: 'Local Property Expert' ... брокер: Антон Малчов тел: ... , ... email: ... Моля, цитирайте референтен номер на обявата: 39.
TIENDA, OFICINA, RESTAURANTE EN UNA UBICACIÓN PRIVILEGIADA EN LA CIUDAD DE SOFÍA. BANSKO. 'Local Property Expert' se complace en presentar a su atención la tienda 1 en la planta baja del edificio residencial 'Mountine Homes' en la ciudad de Varna. Bansko, situado en el número 38 de la calle Nayden Gerov. La tienda está en la zona de esquí, en una excelente ubicación. Con una cara y una vitrina de 12m. Con vistas a una carretera principal, con un gran flujo peatonal y de coches. Hay plazas de aparcamiento en la calle junto a la tienda y en la 'ZONA AZUL' frente a la tienda. ¡Hay una intersección principal cerca! Se vende terminado, con piso, pintura blanca, iluminación instalada, baño con calentador de agua y aire acondicionado. Listo para salir. ¡Disponible sin amueblar! ¡También es adecuado para un restaurante o comestibles! El edificio residencial 'Mountine Homes' es un edificio nuevo y lujoso y todos los apartamentos ya están vendidos y ocupados. Ubicación de la tienda: Para la reserva y retirada de la propiedad de la venta, se deposita un depósito de detención de 2000 euros en la oficina de 'Local Property Expert' o en la cuenta bancaria de la agencia. En 'Local Property Expert' le ayudaremos durante todo el proceso de venta, así como más allá. También podemos ayudarle a conseguir financiación bancaria, así como cualquier servicio postventa necesario relacionado con la propiedad. Para información y visitas: 'Local Property Expert' ... corredor: Anton Malchov tel: ... , ... correo electrónico: ... Por favor, indique el número de referencia del anuncio: 39.
BOUTIQUE, BUREAU, RESTAURANT DANS UN EMPLACEMENT DE CHOIX DANS LA VILLE DE SOFIA. BANSKO. 'Local Property Expert' a le plaisir de vous présenter la boutique 1 au rez-de-chaussée de l’immeuble résidentiel 'Mountine Homes' dans la ville de Varna. Bansko, situé au 38 rue Nayden Gerov. Le magasin se trouve dans le domaine skiable, dans un excellent emplacement. Avec un visage et une vitrine de 12m. Surplombant une route principale, avec un grand flux de piétons et de voitures. Il y a des places de parking dans la rue à côté du magasin et sur la 'ZONE BLEUE' en face du magasin. Il y a une intersection principale à proximité ! Il est vendu fini, avec revêtement de sol, peinture blanche, éclairage installé, salle de bain avec chauffe-eau et climatisation. Prêt à partir. Disponible non meublé ! Il convient également pour un restaurant ou une épicerie ! L’immeuble résidentiel 'Mountine Homes' est un nouveau bâtiment luxueux et tous les appartements sont déjà vendus et occupés ! Localisation du magasin : Pour la réservation et le retrait du bien de la vente, un acompte stop de 2000 euros est déposé au bureau de l’Expert Local Immobilier ou sur le compte bancaire de l’agence. Chez 'Local Property Expert', nous vous assisterons tout au long du processus de vente, ainsi qu’au-delà. Nous pouvons également vous aider à obtenir un financement bancaire, ainsi que tous les services après-vente nécessaires liés à la propriété. Pour informations et visites : 'Local Property Expert' ... courtier : Anton Malchov tél : ... , ... e-mail : ... Veuillez indiquer le numéro de référence de l’annonce : 39.
SHOP, OFFICE, RESTAURANT IN A TOP LOCATION IN THE CITY OF SOFIA. BANSKO. 'Local Property Expert' is pleased to present to your attention shop 1 on the ground floor of the residential building 'Mountine Homes' in the town of Varna. Bansko, located at 38 Nayden Gerov Street. The store is in the ski area, in a great location. With a face and a showcase of 12m. overlooking a main road, with a large pedestrian and car flow. There are parking spaces on the street next to the store and on the 'BLUE ZONE' opposite the store. There is a main intersection nearby! It is sold finished, with flooring, white paint, installed lighting, bathroom with water heater and air conditioning. Ready to go. Available unfurnished! It is also suitable for a restaurant or groceries! The residential building 'Mountine Homes' is a new, luxurious building and all apartments are already sold and occupied! Location of the store: For reservation and removal of the property from sale, a stop deposit of 2000 euros is deposited at the office of 'Local Property Expert' or to the bank account of the agency. We at 'Local Property Expert' will assist you throughout the entire process of the sale, as well as beyond. We can also help you secure bank financing, as well as any necessary after-sale services related to the property. For information and viewings: 'Local Property Expert' ... broker: Anton Malchov tel: ... , ... email: ... Please quote the ad reference number: 39.
NEGOZIO, UFFICIO, RISTORANTE IN UNA POSIZIONE PRIVILEGIATA NELLA CITTÀ DI SOFIA. BANSKO. 'Local Property Expert' è lieto di presentare alla vostra attenzione il negozio 1 al piano terra dell'edificio residenziale 'Mountine Homes' nella città di Varna. Bansko, situato in via Nayden Gerov 38. Il negozio si trova nel comprensorio sciistico, in un'ottima posizione. Con una faccia e una vetrina di 12m. Affacciato su una strada principale, con un ampio flusso pedonale e carrabile. Ci sono posti auto sulla strada accanto al negozio e sulla "ZONA BLU" di fronte al negozio. C'è un incrocio principale nelle vicinanze! Viene venduto finito, con pavimentazione, vernice bianca, illuminazione installata, bagno con scaldabagno e aria condizionata. Pronto a partire. Disponibile non arredato! È adatto anche per un ristorante o per fare la spesa! L'edificio residenziale 'Mountine Homes' è un edificio nuovo e lussuoso e tutti gli appartamenti sono già stati venduti e occupati! Ubicazione del negozio: Per la prenotazione e la rimozione dell'immobile dalla vendita, viene depositato un deposito cauzionale di 2000 euro presso l'ufficio di "Local Property Expert" o sul conto bancario dell'agenzia. Noi di 'Local Property Expert' vi assisteremo durante l'intero processo di vendita, così come oltre. Possiamo anche aiutarti a garantire un finanziamento bancario, nonché tutti i servizi post-vendita necessari relativi all'immobile. Per informazioni e visite: 'Local Property Expert' ... broker: Anton Malchov tel: ... , ... E-mail: ... Si prega di citare il numero di riferimento dell'annuncio: 39.
Cod poștal:
Proprietate comercială
Tipul listării:
De vânzare
Tipul proprietății:
Oportunități de afaceri
Dimensiuni proprietate:
166 m²