Casă & casă pentru o singură familie de vânzare în Komatipoort
22.227.028 RON
Casă & Casă pentru o singură familie (De vânzare)
/ 97038430
Proprietate rezidențială
Tipul listării:
De vânzare
Tipul proprietății:
Casă & Casă pentru o singură familie
Dimensiuni proprietate:
1.800 m²
Dimensiuni teren:
6.900.000 m²
Aer condiționat:
Discover Your Dream Farm Retreat at the Gateway to Kruger National Park Location: Nestled on the outskirts of Komatipoort, just a stone's throw away from the iconic Kruger National Park, lies a hidden gem waiting to be explored. A Natural Haven: Immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature as you step onto this sprawling 690-hectare farm. With the majestic Kruger National Park across the Crocodile River, bordering the farm, every glance offers a breathtaking vista of untouched wilderness. Riverside Serenity: The jewel in the crown of this property is its impressive 1.7 kilometers of river frontage, where the soothing sounds of flowing water harmonize with the chorus of birdsong. Imagine waking up to the gentle murmur of the river, a daily reminder of the boundless beauty that surrounds you. Natural Abundance: Venture further into the heart of the farm and discover 73 hectares of lush, irrigated sugar cane fields dancing in the sunlight. Meanwhile, 605 hectares of pristine, game-fenced land await exploration, offering endless possibilities for adventure and relaxation. Homely Retreats: Two charming farmhouses stand as beacons of comfort amidst the natural splendor. Here, you'll find a sanctuary where rustic charm prevails, offering a glimpse into the timeless beauty of country living. These farmhouses provide a cozy retreat where memories are made and cherished. Additionally, several other structures such as store rooms, barns, and workshops dot the landscape, providing ample space for all your farming needs. Limitless Potential: But what truly sets this property apart is its boundless potential for development. With approved development rights secured for the river frontage, envision a vibrant community taking shape along the banks, offering residents a lifestyle of unparalleled luxury and tranquility. The farm boasts two large dams and irrigation rights, further enhancing its appeal for agricultural ventures or eco-tourism initiatives. Investment Opportunity: As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape, it's easy to see why this farm is more than just a piece of land – it's an investment in a lifestyle, a legacy, and a future filled with endless possibilities. Additionally, the property boasts a large sewage plant already built in preparation for development. Notably, the neighboring lodge is currently utilizing this sewage plant, catering to its guests, and is almost always fully booked, highlighting the potential for lucrative ventures in the area. Contact Us: Ready to embark on your next adventure?
Contact us today to learn more about this extraordinary property and start your journey towards owning a slice of paradise. Agent is registered at the PPRA.
- Air Conditioning
- SwimmingPool
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Découvrez la retraite de vos rêves à la ferme aux portes du parc national Kruger Emplacement : Niché à la périphérie de Komatipoort, à deux pas de l’emblématique parc national Kruger, se trouve un joyau caché qui attend d’être exploré. Un havre de paix naturel : Plongez dans la tranquillité de la nature en mettant le pied dans cette vaste ferme de 690 hectares. Avec le majestueux parc national Kruger de l’autre côté de la rivière Crocodile, en bordure de la ferme, chaque coup d’œil offre une vue à couper le souffle sur une nature sauvage intacte. Sérénité au bord de la rivière : Le joyau de la couronne de cette propriété est son impressionnant 1,7 kilomètre de façade sur la rivière, où les sons apaisants de l’eau qui coule s’harmonisent avec le chœur des chants des oiseaux. Imaginez-vous vous réveiller au doux murmure de la rivière, un rappel quotidien de la beauté infinie qui vous entoure. Abondance naturelle : Aventurez-vous plus loin au cœur de la ferme et découvrez 73 hectares de champs de canne à sucre luxuriants et irrigués qui dansent au soleil. Pendant ce temps, 605 hectares de terres vierges et clôturées attendent d’être explorées, offrant des possibilités infinies d’aventure et de détente. Retraites familiales : Deux charmantes fermes se dressent comme des phares de confort au milieu de la splendeur naturelle. Ici, vous trouverez un sanctuaire où le charme rustique règne, offrant un aperçu de la beauté intemporelle de la vie à la campagne. Ces fermes offrent une retraite confortable où les souvenirs sont créés et chéris. De plus, plusieurs autres structures telles que des entrepôts, des granges et des ateliers parsèment le paysage, offrant suffisamment d’espace pour tous vos besoins agricoles. Potentiel illimité : Mais ce qui distingue vraiment cette propriété, c’est son potentiel illimité de développement. Avec des droits de développement approuvés pour la façade de la rivière, imaginez une communauté dynamique prenant forme le long des rives, offrant aux résidents un style de vie de luxe et de tranquillité inégalés. La ferme dispose de deux grands barrages et de droits d’irrigation, ce qui renforce encore son attrait pour les entreprises agricoles ou les initiatives d’écotourisme. Opportunité d’investissement : Alors que le soleil se couche à l’horizon, projetant une lueur dorée sur le paysage, il est facile de comprendre pourquoi cette ferme est plus qu’un simple terrain – c’est un investissement dans un style de vie, un héritage et un avenir rempli de possibilités infinies. De plus, la propriété dispose d’une grande station d’épuration déjà construite en prévision du développement. Notamment, le lodge voisin utilise actuellement cette station d’épuration, pour répondre aux besoins de ses clients, et est presque toujours complet, ce qui souligne le potentiel d’entreprises lucratives dans la région. Contactez-nous : Prêt à vous lancer dans votre prochaine aventure ?
Contactez-nous dès aujourd’hui pour en savoir plus sur cette propriété extraordinaire et commencer votre voyage vers la possession d’un coin de paradis. L’agent est enregistré auprès de la PPRA.
- Air Conditioning
- SwimmingPool
- Garage Make an offer
Discover Your Dream Farm Retreat at the Gateway to Kruger National Park Location: Nestled on the outskirts of Komatipoort, just a stone's throw away from the iconic Kruger National Park, lies a hidden gem waiting to be explored. A Natural Haven: Immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature as you step onto this sprawling 690-hectare farm. With the majestic Kruger National Park across the Crocodile River, bordering the farm, every glance offers a breathtaking vista of untouched wilderness. Riverside Serenity: The jewel in the crown of this property is its impressive 1.7 kilometers of river frontage, where the soothing sounds of flowing water harmonize with the chorus of birdsong. Imagine waking up to the gentle murmur of the river, a daily reminder of the boundless beauty that surrounds you. Natural Abundance: Venture further into the heart of the farm and discover 73 hectares of lush, irrigated sugar cane fields dancing in the sunlight. Meanwhile, 605 hectares of pristine, game-fenced land await exploration, offering endless possibilities for adventure and relaxation. Homely Retreats: Two charming farmhouses stand as beacons of comfort amidst the natural splendor. Here, you'll find a sanctuary where rustic charm prevails, offering a glimpse into the timeless beauty of country living. These farmhouses provide a cozy retreat where memories are made and cherished. Additionally, several other structures such as store rooms, barns, and workshops dot the landscape, providing ample space for all your farming needs. Limitless Potential: But what truly sets this property apart is its boundless potential for development. With approved development rights secured for the river frontage, envision a vibrant community taking shape along the banks, offering residents a lifestyle of unparalleled luxury and tranquility. The farm boasts two large dams and irrigation rights, further enhancing its appeal for agricultural ventures or eco-tourism initiatives. Investment Opportunity: As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape, it's easy to see why this farm is more than just a piece of land – it's an investment in a lifestyle, a legacy, and a future filled with endless possibilities. Additionally, the property boasts a large sewage plant already built in preparation for development. Notably, the neighboring lodge is currently utilizing this sewage plant, catering to its guests, and is almost always fully booked, highlighting the potential for lucrative ventures in the area. Contact Us: Ready to embark on your next adventure?
Contact us today to learn more about this extraordinary property and start your journey towards owning a slice of paradise. Agent is registered at the PPRA.
- Air Conditioning
- SwimmingPool
- Garage Fai un'offerta
Scopri il rifugio dei tuoi sogni alle porte del Kruger National Park Posizione: Situato alla periferia di Komatipoort, a pochi passi dall'iconico Parco Nazionale Kruger, si trova una gemma nascosta che aspetta di essere esplorata. Un paradiso naturale: immergiti nella tranquillità della natura mentre entri in questa vasta fattoria di 690 ettari. Con il maestoso Kruger National Park dall'altra parte del fiume Crocodile, al confine con la fattoria, ogni sguardo offre una vista mozzafiato di natura incontaminata. Riverside Serenity: il fiore all'occhiello di questa proprietà è il suo impressionante fronte fluviale di 1,7 chilometri, dove i suoni rilassanti dell'acqua che scorre si armonizzano con il coro del canto degli uccelli. Immagina di svegliarti con il dolce mormorio del fiume, un promemoria quotidiano della bellezza sconfinata che ti circonda. Abbondanza naturale: avventuratevi ulteriormente nel cuore della fattoria e scoprite 73 ettari di lussureggianti campi di canna da zucchero irrigati che danzano alla luce del sole. Nel frattempo, 605 ettari di terreno incontaminato e recintato attendono di essere esplorati, offrendo infinite possibilità di avventura e relax. Rifugi accoglienti: Due incantevoli case coloniche si ergono come fari di comfort in mezzo allo splendore naturale. Qui troverai un santuario in cui prevale il fascino rustico, che offre uno sguardo sulla bellezza senza tempo della vita di campagna. Queste fattorie offrono un rifugio accogliente dove i ricordi vengono creati e amati. Inoltre, molte altre strutture come magazzini, fienili e officine punteggiano il paesaggio, fornendo ampio spazio per tutte le tue esigenze agricole. Potenziale illimitato: Ma ciò che distingue veramente questa proprietà è il suo illimitato potenziale di sviluppo. Con i diritti di sviluppo approvati e assicurati per la facciata sul fiume, immagina una comunità vivace che prende forma lungo le rive, offrendo ai residenti uno stile di vita di lusso e tranquillità senza pari. L'azienda vanta due grandi dighe e diritti di irrigazione, aumentando ulteriormente la sua attrattiva per le iniziative agricole o di ecoturismo. Opportunità di investimento: mentre il sole tramonta all'orizzonte, proiettando un bagliore dorato sul paesaggio, è facile capire perché questa fattoria è più di un semplice pezzo di terra: è un investimento in uno stile di vita, un'eredità e un futuro pieno di infinite possibilità. Inoltre, la proprietà vanta un grande impianto di depurazione già costruito in preparazione per lo sviluppo. In particolare, il lodge vicino sta attualmente utilizzando questo impianto di depurazione, per soddisfare i suoi ospiti, ed è quasi sempre al completo, evidenziando il potenziale per iniziative redditizie nella zona. Contattaci: Pronto a intraprendere la tua prossima avventura?
Contattaci oggi stesso per saperne di più su questa straordinaria proprietà e iniziare il tuo viaggio verso il possesso di un angolo di paradiso. L'agente è registrato presso il PPRA.
- Air Conditioning
- SwimmingPool
- Garage Urobte ponuku
Objavte svoje vysnívané útočisko na farme pri bráne do Krugerovho národného parku Umiestnenie: Na okraji mesta Komatipoort, čo by kameňom dohodil od ikonického Krugerovho národného parku, leží skrytý klenot, ktorý čaká na preskúmanie. Prírodné útočisko: Ponorte sa do pokoja prírody, keď vstúpite na túto rozľahlú farmu s rozlohou 690 hektárov. S majestátnym Krugerovým národným parkom na druhej strane rieky Crocodile, ktorý hraničí s farmou, každý pohľad ponúka úchvatný výhľad na nedotknutú divočinu. Riverside Serenity: Klenotom v korune tejto nehnuteľnosti je jej pôsobivých 1,7 kilometra nábrežie rieky, kde upokojujúce zvuky tečúcej vody harmonizujú so spevom vtákov. Predstavte si, že sa zobudíte na jemné šumenie rieky, každodennú pripomienku bezhraničnej krásy, ktorá vás obklopuje. Prírodná hojnosť: Vydajte sa ďalej do srdca farmy a objavte 73 hektárov sviežich, zavlažovaných polí cukrovej trstiny, ktoré tancujú na slnku. Medzitým čaká na objavovanie 605 hektárov nedotknutej zverou oplotenej krajiny, ktorá ponúka nekonečné možnosti dobrodružstva a relaxu. Útulné útočisko: Dva očarujúce farmárske domy stoja ako majáky pohodlia uprostred prírodnej nádhery. Nájdete tu svätyňu, kde prevláda rustikálny šarm a ponúka pohľad do nadčasovej krásy vidieckeho života. Tieto farmy poskytujú útulné útočisko, kde sa vytvárajú a uchovávajú spomienky. Okrem toho je v krajine posiatych niekoľko ďalších stavieb, ako sú sklady, stodoly a dielne, ktoré poskytujú dostatok priestoru pre všetky vaše poľnohospodárske potreby. Neobmedzený potenciál: Čo však túto nehnuteľnosť skutočne odlišuje, je jej neobmedzený potenciál rozvoja. So schválenými rozvojovými právami zabezpečenými pre nábrežie rieky si predstavte živú komunitu, ktorá sa formuje pozdĺž brehov a ponúka obyvateľom životný štýl bezkonkurenčného luxusu a pokoja. Farma sa môže pochváliť dvoma veľkými priehradami a právami na zavlažovanie, čo ešte viac zvyšuje jej príťažlivosť pre poľnohospodárske podniky alebo iniciatívy ekoturistiky. Investičná príležitosť: Keď slnko zapadá za obzorom a vrhá zlatú žiaru na krajinu, je ľahké pochopiť, prečo je táto farma viac než len kúsok zeme – je to investícia do životného štýlu, dedičstva a budúcnosti plnej nekonečných možností. Okrem toho sa nehnuteľnosť môže pochváliť veľkou čističkou odpadových vôd, ktorá je už postavená v rámci prípravy na výstavbu. Je pozoruhodné, že susedná chata v súčasnosti využíva túto čističku odpadových vôd, stará sa o svojich hostí a je takmer vždy plne obsadená, čo zdôrazňuje potenciál lukratívnych podnikov v tejto oblasti. Kontaktujte nás: Ste pripravení vydať sa na ďalšie dobrodružstvo?
Kontaktujte nás ešte dnes, aby ste sa dozvedeli viac o tejto mimoriadnej nehnuteľnosti a vydali sa na cestu k vlastníctvu kúska raja. Agent je registrovaný v PPRA.
- Air Conditioning
- SwimmingPool
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