Proprietăți rezidențiale - De vânzare
  • Ston


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Oportunități de afaceri de vânzare în Ston

19.834.441 RON

Oportunități de afaceri (De vânzare)

Referință: JXYQ-T3594 / 13957
Ston, a cove with an area of 216.904 m2, in nature agricultural land.
The described plot shows a number of characteristics that make it an attractive investment opportunity. Offering a picturesque coastline of 140 m, the plot boasts a beautiful beach. Its excellent location makes it an ideal place for the construction of a marina, meeting the needs of the booming nautical tourism.
There are several stone buildings from 1968 on the plot, providing an opportunity for reconstruction. With water and electricity connections already established, along with a continuous access road along the entire plot, the foundations for development are well laid.
The potential for the construction of one or more commercial buildings, up to 400 m2 in total and an additional 1000 m2 of basement, along with planted olives or other crops and registered OPG, further enhances the versatility of this plot. In particular, it stands out as an ideal place for a winery, considering that Pelješac is one of the prominent Croatian vineyards, known for the varieties Plavac Mali, Pošip and Dingač.
The specific climatic and soil conditions of this area favor the cultivation of vines.
In addition to viticulture, the plot opens up opportunities for tourism ventures, including the construction of hotels, tourist resorts and campsites, with a prior agreement with the municipality of Ston for land conversion (T1, T2 or T3).
For potential buyers, flexibility is offered regarding plot size. ID:13957
Vezi mai mult Vezi mai puțin Ston, eine Bucht mit einer Fläche von 216.904 m2, in der Natur gelegenes Agrarland.
Das beschriebene Grundstück weist eine Reihe von Eigenschaften auf, die es zu einer attraktiven Investitionsmöglichkeit machen. Das Grundstück bietet eine malerische Küstenlinie von 140 m und einen wunderschönen Strand. Seine ausgezeichnete Lage macht es zu einem idealen Ort für den Bau eines Yachthafens, der den Bedürfnissen des boomenden Wassertourismus gerecht wird.
Auf dem Grundstück befinden sich mehrere Steingebäude aus dem Jahr 1968, die Gelegenheit für einen Wiederaufbau bieten. Mit bereits hergestellten Wasser- und Stromanschlüssen sowie einer durchgehenden Zufahrtsstraße entlang des gesamten Grundstücks sind die Grundlagen für die Entwicklung gut gelegt.
Das Potenzial für den Bau eines oder mehrerer Gewerbegebäude mit einer Gesamtfläche von bis zu 400 m2 und zusätzlichen 1000 m2 Keller sowie die Anpflanzung von Oliven oder anderen Nutzpflanzen und registrierte OPG erhöhen die Vielseitigkeit dieses Grundstücks zusätzlich. Insbesondere ist es ein idealer Standort für ein Weingut, wenn man bedenkt, dass Pelješac einer der bedeutendsten kroatischen Weinberge ist, der für die Sorten Plavac Mali, Pošip und Dingač bekannt ist.
Die besonderen Klima- und Bodenbedingungen dieser Gegend begünstigen den Weinanbau.
Neben dem Weinbau eröffnet das Grundstück Möglichkeiten für touristische Unternehmungen, einschließlich des Baus von Hotels, Ferienanlagen und Campingplätzen, nach vorheriger Vereinbarung mit der Gemeinde Ston zur Landumwandlung (T1, T2 oder T3).
Potenziellen Käufern wird Flexibilität hinsichtlich der Grundstücksgröße geboten. ID:13957
Stonski zaljev, uvala površine 216.904 m2, u naravi poljoprivredno zemljište.
Opisana parcela pokazuje niz karakteristika koje je čine primamljivom investicijskom prilikom. Pružajući slikovitu obalu u dužini od 140 m, parcela se ponosi prekrasnom plažom. Njezina izvrsna lokacija čini je idealnim mjestom za izgradnju marine, odgovarajući potrebama procvata nautičkog turizma.
Na parceli se nalazi nekoliko kamenih građevina iz 1968. godine, pružajući priliku za rekonstrukciju. S već uspostavljenim priključcima vode i struje, uz kontinuiranu pristupnu cestu duž cijele parcele, temelji za razvoj su dobro postavljeni.
Potencijal za izgradnju jednog ili više gospodarskih objekata, ukupno do 400 m2 i dodatnih 1000 m2 podruma, uz zasađene masline ili druge kulture te registriran OPG, dodatno se pojačava svestranost ove parcele. Konkretno, izdvaja se kao idealno mjesto za vinariju, s obzirom na Pelješac kao jedno od istaknutih hrvatskih vinogorja, poznato po sortama Plavac Mali, Pošip i Dingač.
Specifični klimatski i zemljišni uvjeti ovog područja pogoduju uzgoju vinove loze.
Osim vinogradarstva, parcela otvara mogućnosti za turističke pothvate, uključujući izgradnju hotela, turističkih naselja i kampova, uz prethodni dogovor s općinom Ston za prenamjenu zemljišta (T1, T2 ili T3).
Za potencijalne kupce nudi se fleksibilnost u pogledu veličine parcele. ID:13957
Ston, a cove with an area of 216.904 m2, in nature agricultural land.
The described plot shows a number of characteristics that make it an attractive investment opportunity. Offering a picturesque coastline of 140 m, the plot boasts a beautiful beach. Its excellent location makes it an ideal place for the construction of a marina, meeting the needs of the booming nautical tourism.
There are several stone buildings from 1968 on the plot, providing an opportunity for reconstruction. With water and electricity connections already established, along with a continuous access road along the entire plot, the foundations for development are well laid.
The potential for the construction of one or more commercial buildings, up to 400 m2 in total and an additional 1000 m2 of basement, along with planted olives or other crops and registered OPG, further enhances the versatility of this plot. In particular, it stands out as an ideal place for a winery, considering that Pelješac is one of the prominent Croatian vineyards, known for the varieties Plavac Mali, Pošip and Dingač.
The specific climatic and soil conditions of this area favor the cultivation of vines.
In addition to viticulture, the plot opens up opportunities for tourism ventures, including the construction of hotels, tourist resorts and campsites, with a prior agreement with the municipality of Ston for land conversion (T1, T2 or T3).
For potential buyers, flexibility is offered regarding plot size. ID:13957
Referință: JXYQ-T3594
Țară: HR
Oraș: Ston
Cod poștal: 20230
Categorie: Proprietate comercială
Tipul listării: De vânzare
Tipul proprietății: Oportunități de afaceri
Subtip proprietate: Agricultură & Horticultură
Dimensiuni proprietate: 217.000
Zonă liniștită: Da
RON Leu românesc