Birou & Spațiu comercial (De vânzare)
/ 11636
Proprietate comercială
Tipul listării:
De vânzare
Tipul proprietății:
Birou & Spațiu comercial
Subtip proprietate:
Spațiu pentru birouri
It consists of two parts: A 4,716 m² plot, buildable, which will become constructible after the demarcation of the adjacent stream, suitable for residential development.
A 2,402.5 m² plot, non-buildable.
The parts can be sold separately for €80,000 and €15,000, respectively.
The property is located outside the town plan, 130 meters from the coastline, with no Natura 2000 restrictions, gas pipelines, or overhead power lines.
Ideal for investment in a quiet area of Thassos.The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Vezi mai mult Vezi mai puțin ОписКод: - Astrida ПРОДАВА СЕ Земеделска земя обща площ кв. м. 95.000 €Продава се чрез търг: парцел в района Калами, Астрида, Тасос. Състои се от два участъка:
парцел от 4716 кв.м., цялостен и годен за строителство, който ще стане годен за строителство след очертаването на съседния поток, подходящ за изграждане на жилища.
Вторият участък е 2402,5 кв.м., негоден за строителство.
Частите могат да бъдат продадени отделно за 80 000 € и 15 000 € съответно.
Имотът се намира извън регулация, на 130 метра от бреговата линия, без ограничения по Натура 2000, газопроводи или въздушни линии на електроразпределителната компания.
Подходящ за инвестиция в тиха зона на Тасос.The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. BeschreibungID Immobilien. 11636 - Astrida, Ländliches Grundstück ZU VERKAUFEN . Wohnfläche von ca. 7119 m2, - Kaufpreis: 95.000 €Zum Verkauf durch Auktion: ein Grundstück in der Gegend Kalami, Astrida, Thassos.
Es besteht aus zwei Teilen:
Ein 4.716 m² großes Grundstück, bebaubar, das nach der Festlegung des angrenzenden Baches bebaubar wird, geeignet für den Bau von Wohnhäusern.
Ein 2.402,5 m² großes Grundstück, nicht bebaubar.Die Teile können getrennt für 80.000 € und 15.000 € verkauft werden.
Das Grundstück befindet sich außerhalb des Bebauungsplans, 130 Meter von der Küstenlinie entfernt, ohne Natura 2000-Beschränkungen, Gasleitungen oder Freileitungen.
Ideal für Investitionen in einer ruhigen Gegend von Thassos.The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. ΠεριγραφήΚωδικός ακινήτου: 11636 - Θάσος Αστρίδα ΠΩΛΕΙΤΑΙ μέσω πλειστηριασμού επικλινές αγροτεμάχιο συνολικής επιφάνειας 7119 τ.μ. μόνο 120 μέτρα από τη θάλασσα Διαθέτει κτίσμα, πρόσοψη 158 μέτρα απόσταση από πόλη 43400 μέτρα απόσταση από χωριό 2000 μέτρα απόσταση από αεροδρόμιο 68600 μέτρα Τιμή: 95.000 €Πωλείται μέσω πλειστηριασμού αγροτεμάχιο στην περιοχή Καλάμι, Αστρίδα Θάσου.
Αποτελείται από δύο τμήματα: Αγροτεμάχιο 4716 τ.μ., άρτιο και οικοδομήσιμο, το οποίο θα καταστεί οικοδομήσιμο με την οριοθέτηση του όμορου ρέματος, κατάλληλο για ανέγερση κατοικιών.
Αγροτεμάχιο 2402,5 τ.μ., μη οικοδομήσιμο.
Τα τμήματα μπορούν να πωληθούν και χωριστά, με τιμές 80.000€ και 15.000€ αντίστοιχα.
Το ακίνητο βρίσκεται εκτός σχεδίου, 130 μ. από την ακτογραμμή, χωρίς περιορισμούς Natura 2000, αγωγούς φυσικού αερίου ή εναέριες γραμμές ΔΕΗ.
Κατάλληλο για επένδυση σε μια ήσυχη περιοχή της Θάσου.Το μεσιτικό γραφείο Thassos RealEstate έχει έδρα τη Θάσο και εξειδικεύεται στην αγορά των ακινήτων του νησιού. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας μέσω mail στο [email protected] ή καλέστε στο 2593023101. Είμαστε στη διάθεση σας για οποιαδήποτε επιπλέον διευκρίνηση. Για την υπόδειξη του ακινήτου είναι απαραίτητη η προσκόμιση της αστυνομικής ταυτότητας και υπογραφή συμφωνητικού υπόδειξης του ακινήτου. ОписAstrida ПРОДАЁТСЯ Агроземля Площадь: 7119 m2, Код. 11636, 95.000 €Продается на аукционе земельный участок в районе Калами, Астрида, Тасос. Состоит из двух частей:
Участок 4716 м², пригодный для строительства, который станет застраиваемым после демаркации прилегающего ручья, подходит для строительства жилых домов.
Участок 2402,5 м², не пригодный для строительства.
Части могут быть проданы отдельно за 80 000 € и 15 000 € соответственно.
Участок расположен за пределами плана застройки, в 130 метрах от береговой линии, без ограничений Natura 2000, газопроводов или воздушных линий электропередач. Идеально подходит для инвестиций в тихом районе Тасоса.The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Property Code. 11636 - Agricultural FOR SALE through auction in Thasos Astrida for € 95.000 . Discover the features of this 7119 sq. m. Agricultural: Distance from sea 120 meters, Distance from the city center: 43400 meters, Distance from nearest village: 2000 meters, Distance from nearest airport: 68600 meters, it comes width a building, facade length: 158 metersFor sale via auction: a land plot in the Kalami area, Astrida, Thassos.
It consists of two parts: A 4,716 m² plot, buildable, which will become constructible after the demarcation of the adjacent stream, suitable for residential development.
A 2,402.5 m² plot, non-buildable.
The parts can be sold separately for €80,000 and €15,000, respectively.
The property is located outside the town plan, 130 meters from the coastline, with no Natura 2000 restrictions, gas pipelines, or overhead power lines.
Ideal for investment in a quiet area of Thassos.The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us.