Casă & Casă pentru o singură familie (De vânzare)
/ 9286
This stunning villa for sale, designed by architect Mantegazza, is framed by an untouched green oasis in the province of Novara, just 10 minutes from the shores of Lake Maggiore. Located in a quiet, affluent residential area, this villa offers privacy and intimacy in its leafy 1.85-hectare private park with numerous outdoor areas to enjoy this paradise setting despite having all services, motorways and an airport (Milan Malpensa) a short distance away. Designed in the '70s all on one level, with the exception of the mezzanine floor, which houses a living room with a bookcase, this house measures 850 sqm. Warm and welcoming, thanks to its familiar Country House atmosphere, it features refined finishes and fine furnishings. All the details have been chosen with great attention, the result of skilful craftsmanship, and include a 17th-century stone door, Impruneta terracotta and stone floors, lamps with original shapes, a 17th-century stone fireplace in the dining room, and a wooden one in the study, wrought iron gratings, antique walnut doors and, last but not least, hand-painted tiles in the bathrooms. Ref: 9286
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This stunning villa for sale, designed by architect Mantegazza, is framed by an untouched green oasis in the province of Novara, just 10 minutes from the shores of Lake Maggiore. Located in a quiet, affluent residential area, this villa offers privacy and intimacy in its leafy 1.85-hectare private park with numerous outdoor areas to enjoy this paradise setting despite having all services, motorways and an airport (Milan Malpensa) a short distance away. Designed in the '70s all on one level, with the exception of the mezzanine floor, which houses a living room with a bookcase, this house measures 850 sqm. Warm and welcoming, thanks to its familiar Country House atmosphere, it features refined finishes and fine furnishings. All the details have been chosen with great attention, the result of skilful craftsmanship, and include a 17th-century stone door, Impruneta terracotta and stone floors, lamps with original shapes, a 17th-century stone fireplace in the dining room, and a wooden one in the study, wrought iron gratings, antique walnut doors and, last but not least, hand-painted tiles in the bathrooms. Ref: 9286
Una splendida villa che porta la firma dell’architetto Mantegazza di Como in vendita nella splendida cornice naturale del Parco dei Lagoni, oasi incontaminata della provincia di Novara, a soli dieci minuti dalle sponde del Lago Maggiore. Collocata in una tranquilla zona residenziale ben frequentata, la villa offre privacy e riservatezza nel verde del proprio parco privato di 1,85 ettari. un trionfo di profumi e colori tra azalee, camelie e rododendri. Progettata negli anni '70 tutta su un unico livello, fatta eccezione per il piano soppalcato, che accoglie un living con libreria, la dimora si sviluppa su 850 mq interni. Calda e accogliente, grazie alla sua atmosfera familiare di Country House, elegante ed esclusiva al tempo stesso, sfoggia finiture ricercate e arredi di pregio: tutti i dettagli sono stati scelti con grande attenzione, frutto di un sapiente lavoro artigianale, a partire dai pavimenti in cotto dell'Impruneta e quelli in pietra, alle lampade dalle forme originali, al camino seicentesco in pietra della sala da pranzo o quello ligneo dello studio, alle inferriate in ferro battuto, alle porte antiche in noce e, ancora, alle piastrelle dipinte a mano dei bagni. Rif. 9286
На территории Парка-деи-Лагони, недалеко от озера Маджоре, выставлена на продажу роскошная вилла, спроектированная знаменитым архитектором Мантегацца. Вилла окружены приватным парком площадью 1,85 га, что гарантирует ее обитателям полный покой и уединение. Участок оснащен множеством оборудованных открытых пространств, идеально подходящих для отдыха на открытом воздухе. Вилла располагает одним этажем и была построена в 70-х годах прошлого века. Общая площадь внутренних помещений составляет 850 кв.м. Комнаты отличаются элегантной обстановкой и ценной отделкой из высококачественных материалов. Местоположение виллы позволяет с легкостью добраться до главных городов региона. Ссылка: 9286
Proprietate rezidențială
Tipul listării:
De vânzare
Tipul proprietății:
Casă & Casă pentru o singură familie
Subtip proprietate:
Dimensiuni proprietate:
850 m²