Casă & casă pentru o singură familie de vânzare în Monte Argentario
Casă & Casă pentru o singură familie (De vânzare)
/ 12379
In the picturesque Monte Argentario, Tuscany, a stunning sea-view villa designed by artist Giò Pomodoro is for sale. This unique property encompasses 1,162 sqm of interior space, including a main villa and three annexes, set within nearly six hectares of gardens, vineyards, olive groves, a helipad, and space for a riding school. Surrounded by the natural beauty of Tuscany, with views of the Tyrrhenian Sea, the villa offers a perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality. The main villa, spanning 716 sqm over three levels, features local stone construction, seven bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a gym, cellars, and a panoramic terrace. Highlighting Pomodoro’s artistic vision, it includes the sculptural stone relief 'Trani del Sole.' The property also includes a second villa and an outbuilding, adding more living space with additional bedrooms and bathrooms. The exterior is a tranquil oasis with panoramic terraces, belvederes, and lounge areas, alongside planned additions like an infinity pool. The estate offers total privacy and breathtaking views, combining historical value with modern comfort, ideal for enjoying the beauty of Tuscany and the luxury of fine living. Ref: 12379
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Nella suggestiva cornice del Monte Argentario, all'estremità meridionale della Toscana, sorge questa superba villa vista mare in vendita progettata dall'artista Giò Pomodoro. Un'opera architettonica in posizione dominante che unisce l'estetica alla funzionalità offrendo l'opportunità di possedere un'autentica dimora d'artista. I 1162 mq complessivi di spazi interni si distribuiscono tra una villa padronale e 3 dependance. Il complesso è immerso nella natura e comprende quasi 6 ettari di terreni di proprietà, con giardini, vigneti, oliveti, un eliporto e ampio spazio per ospitare un maneggio. Questa esclusiva proprietà in vendita fu edificata alla fine degli anni Ottanta dall'artista Giò Pomodoro, considerato uno fra i più importanti scultori astratti del panorama internazionale del XX secolo. La villa è un riflesso della sua personalità, con un'impronta unica scandita dai materiali impiegati: malta cementizia, pietre squadrate, ferro, gesso, marmo sapientemente accostati e plasmati per formare un insieme di arte e mistero. Pieni e vuoti, luci e ombre, linee rigide e flessuose, leggiadre e possenti si uniscono per dare vita a questa immortale architettura. La sensibilità dell'artista nasce da una una fervente passione che amalgama nell'insieme dell'opera finale la scienza, la fisica, la poesia, e la propria genialità. Rif. 12379
На берегу Тирренского моря, в живописных окрестностях Монте-Арджентарио, представлена великолепная вилла, спроектированная известным художником Джо Помодоро. Это архитектурное произведение искусства с общей площадью 1162 кв.м расположено среди природного парка, окруженного садами, виноградниками и оливковыми рощами, на участке площадью почти 6 гектаров. Монте-Арджентарио, находящийся в Гроссето-Маремма, известен своими пляжами и кристально чистыми водами, предлагая идеальные условия для любителей моря и природы. Вилла, созданная в конце 1980-х годов, отражает уникальный стиль и вдохновение Джо Помодоро, одного из величайших скульпторов-абстракционистов XX века. Ее дизайн сочетает в себе материалы, такие как цемент, камень, металл и мрамор, создавая гармонию между видимым искусством и недосказанностью. Ссылка: 12379
In the picturesque Monte Argentario, Tuscany, a stunning sea-view villa designed by artist Giò Pomodoro is for sale. This unique property encompasses 1,162 sqm of interior space, including a main villa and three annexes, set within nearly six hectares of gardens, vineyards, olive groves, a helipad, and space for a riding school. Surrounded by the natural beauty of Tuscany, with views of the Tyrrhenian Sea, the villa offers a perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality. The main villa, spanning 716 sqm over three levels, features local stone construction, seven bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a gym, cellars, and a panoramic terrace. Highlighting Pomodoro’s artistic vision, it includes the sculptural stone relief 'Trani del Sole.' The property also includes a second villa and an outbuilding, adding more living space with additional bedrooms and bathrooms. The exterior is a tranquil oasis with panoramic terraces, belvederes, and lounge areas, alongside planned additions like an infinity pool. The estate offers total privacy and breathtaking views, combining historical value with modern comfort, ideal for enjoying the beauty of Tuscany and the luxury of fine living. Ref: 12379
Monte Argentario
Proprietate rezidențială
Tipul listării:
De vânzare
Tipul proprietății:
Casă & Casă pentru o singură familie
Subtip proprietate:
Dimensiuni proprietate:
1.162 m²