495.247 RON
1.197 m²
The land is set back from the road and has its own private access road, 5 meters wide. The dimensions of the land are 30x40 and the orientation is North/South. enables you to make optimal use of natural light throughout the day and ensures a comfortable temperature in the house.
It is located in Poljaci, which is a 13-minute drive from Zadar. On the west side, the next place is Ninski Stanovi and the Royal City of Nin. This location is also ideal for a tourist facility due to its proximity to attractive coastal towns and beaches.
If you are thinking about building a family house in a quiet location with an access road in an ideal orientation, this could be the perfect choice for you.
Contact us for more information about the land, construction possibilities and urban plans and organize a viewing to better understand the potential of this location.
Own neat 1/1ID CODE: 300501015-358Božana Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 95 911 2954
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: b.perovic@gmail.com
https://www.remax.hr/Complete1 Vezi mai mult Vezi mai puțin Location: Zadarska županija, Nin, Žerava.Wir verfügen über ein Baugrundstück, das sich ideal für den Bau eines Einfamilienhauses mit Swimmingpool, Garten und dazugehörigem Inhalt eignet.
Das Grundstück liegt abseits der Straße und verfügt über eine eigene private Zufahrtsstraße mit einer Breite von 5 Metern. Die Grundstücksgröße beträgt 30 x 40 m und die Ausrichtung ist Nord/Süd. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, das natürliche Licht den ganzen Tag über optimal zu nutzen und sorgt für eine angenehme Temperatur im Haus.
Es befindet sich in Poljaci, 13 Autominuten von Zadar entfernt. Auf der Westseite sind die Nin-Ebenen und die Königsstadt Nin der nächste Ort. Aufgrund der Nähe zu attraktiven Küstenstädten und Stränden ist dieser Standort auch ideal für eine touristische Anlage.
Wenn Sie darüber nachdenken, ein Einfamilienhaus in ruhiger Lage mit ideal ausgerichteter Zufahrtsstraße zu bauen, könnte dies die perfekte Wahl für Sie sein.
Kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Informationen über das Grundstück, die Baumöglichkeiten und die Stadtplanung und vereinbaren Sie einen Besichtigungstermin, um das Potenzial dieses Standorts besser zu verstehen.
Eigentum ordentlich 1/1.ID CODE: 300501015-358Božana Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 95 911 2954
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: b.perovic@gmail.com
https://www.remax.hr/Complete1 Location: Zadarska županija, Nin, Žerava.Imamo na raspolaganju građevinsko zemljište idealno za gradnju obiteljske kuće s bazenom, vrtom i popratnim sadržajem.
Zemljište je povučeno od ceste te ima svoj privatni pristupni put, širine 5 metara. Dimenzije zemljišta su 30x40m a orijentacija Sjever/jug. Omogućuje vam optimalno iskorištavanje prirodne svijetlosti tijekom cijelog dana te osigurava ugodnu temperaturu u kući.
Nalazi se u mjestu Poljaci koje je udaljenosti od Zadra vožnjom 13 minuta. Na zapadnoj strani sljedeće mjesto je Ninski stanovi i Kraljevski grad -Nin. Ova lokacije je idealna također za Turistički objekt zbog blizine atraktivnih primorskih mjesta i Plaža.
Ako razmišljate o gradnji obiteljske kuće na mirnoj lokaciji s pristupnim putem idealne orijentacije ovo može biti savršeni izbor za vas.
Kontaktirajte nas za više informacija o zemljištu, mogućnostima gradnje i urbanističkim planovima te organizirajte razgledavanje kako biste bolje upoznali potencijal ove lokacije.
Vlasništvo uredno 1/1.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 300501015-358Božana Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 95 911 2954
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: b.perovic@gmail.com
https://www.remax.hr/Complete1 Location: Zadarska županija, Nin, Žerava. Location: Zadarska županija, Nin, Žerava.We have at our disposal a building plot ideal for building a family house with a swimming pool, garden and accompanying contents.
The land is set back from the road and has its own private access road, 5 meters wide. The dimensions of the land are 30x40 and the orientation is North/South. enables you to make optimal use of natural light throughout the day and ensures a comfortable temperature in the house.
It is located in Poljaci, which is a 13-minute drive from Zadar. On the west side, the next place is Ninski Stanovi and the Royal City of Nin. This location is also ideal for a tourist facility due to its proximity to attractive coastal towns and beaches.
If you are thinking about building a family house in a quiet location with an access road in an ideal orientation, this could be the perfect choice for you.
Contact us for more information about the land, construction possibilities and urban plans and organize a viewing to better understand the potential of this location.
Own neat 1/1ID CODE: 300501015-358Božana Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 95 911 2954
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: b.perovic@gmail.com